CNN Warns That Border ‘Situation Is Becoming Very Clearly Untenable’ – IOTW Report

CNN Warns That Border ‘Situation Is Becoming Very Clearly Untenable’

Slay: CNN has turned on Democrat President Joe Biden over the escalating crisis at the Southern Border, warning the American people the situation has become “very clearly untenable.”

One CNN reporter said: “There’s certainly some anxiety within the administration as they see these numbers grow again.”

According to the RNC, “there have been a staggering 45,000 illegal immigrant encounters at the border in just the past five days.”

CNN showed a damning video exposing the realities of Biden’s open border policies.

As Slay News reported, the video has been going viral on social media in recent days.

It shows a freight train carrying hundreds of people through Mexico to flood the border into the United States. more here

17 Comments on CNN Warns That Border ‘Situation Is Becoming Very Clearly Untenable’

  1. but some how if you have a foreign bank account you better believe the IRS will be all over that in a second why it’s almost like the government cares more amount money ( with the USD increasingly being worth less) then about U.S. citizens. I better shut up or they might Epstein me.

  2. Lessee….Ronald Reagon was the first to offer asylum for 11 million illegal aliens when the border was untenable back then….He was President from 1980-1988….So, that makes CNN about 40 years late to the untenable stage…Right now it’s simply just an invasion….

  3. Even if we close the border today the destruction wrought on our nation by the current administration’s open border is just in its infancy. New York city, a city of over ten million people is squalling collapse due to the arrival of about a hundred ten thousand of Biden’s border jumpers. Think of what will happen to your little city of twenty five thousand souls when five thousand illegals demanding free food, shelter, education and medical care are dumped on you.

    Smart regimes down south and otherwise are emptying their prisons, scraping up their bums and no-goods and sending them to YOUR TOWN. Trump expressed it exactly correctly… ‘they’re not sending their best’… of course the communists, sorry, democrats, but I repeat myself, freaked out over that, but it is true nonetheless.

    The greatest majority of those who have already arrived will never be removed. Like human beings everywhere they will group up with others similar to themselves, with no English they will form (and already have formed) enclaves of like persons reducing or eliminating the need to assimilate with the larger culture. They receive handouts now, and will into the future. So they won’t largely assimilate and we’ll have our own version of Canada with Quebec, but much worse, with people who can’t function adequately yet expect to be taken care of by the community.

    This won’t hurt the laptop class, government apparatchicks, minions of the wealthy… except when they venture onto the street at times, so their virtue signaling remains intact while our society degenerates into a mess of bums competing for handouts supported by a disappearing productive class.

    This is real and it is already too late to stop the bulk of the destruction, we can only mitigate the damage by stopping the flow of illegals by whatever means necessary and forcing assimilation mostly through ending the handouts entirely and vigorously deporting any of these people who commit crimes here.

    Woe unto us, and piss on 0bama’s grave.

  4. Now that it’s becoming an issue in liberal areas its “clearly untenable”? The liberal media never cared much about it when red border states were overrun with illegals. It’s truly wonderful that our new residents want to go to those generous sanctuary cities. I’m sure they’ll be welcomed with open arms.

  5. 0Can’t seem to find many solid, unanimous statements now-a-days that will straight-on answer (without question) whether Biden was directly responsible for the alien invasion via Biden’s Executive Order to open the border and/or by canceling Trump’s EO, or, whether it was passed through Congress prior to the Presidential Signature, similar to the Simpson-Mazzoli Bill, which was signed in 1986.

    What I am mostly getting, nowadays, are twisted excuses, misdirections, mis-info and/or outright lies, via endless “Fact Checkers” and/or delusional “Fact Checking”.

    I can’t seem to find many straight-forward unanimous answers now. I had always thought Biden was directly, and illegally responsible (via his EO) for the increased murders, fentanyl deaths, massive increases of drug smuggling, rapes, child molestation, crime, foreign criminals etc., etc., whereupon any small handful of these deliberately imported crimes would unquestionably and immediately merit treason and demand the death penalty for the perpetrator.

    Instead, nothing is done. While all of us, along with the rest of the world, quietly, like dumb animals, — while others jump up and down with glee — watch our Country slowly vanishing into a black hole, with no turning back, after silently witnessing the result of a skillfully conducted third-world election coup that no one believed was happening.

    All this only leaves me now with one question: “Is this the United States of America anymore?

  6. “BECOMING”? ?!@#$%^&*

    Where have they been the last 22 years??!@#$%*

    As I. said he 2 weeks ago Jeb defending GWB’s “Open Borders” 18 years ago is why he finished 9th in many an never higher than 3!

    Asked about the atrocious crime increase caused by GWB’s Open Borders – Jeb the moron – said.
    “When a criminal alien rapes a 3 year ol THATS AN ACT OF LOVE!”!

    Only a Bush would say rape is an act of love!

    Jeb! said that 17 yers ago answering a question about GWB’s One Border that was going into its 4th year!

    America has bee UNDEFENDED for 21 years!

  7. From the most reliable information I can find, there are about 45 million illegals in our country. No matter what you think, say, or do the treacherous Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden, criminals have destroyed our formerly great republic.


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