Paxton: Impeachment Effort Was Orchestrated by Biden Regime With the Help of ‘Controlled’ Texas GOP  – IOTW Report

Paxton: Impeachment Effort Was Orchestrated by Biden Regime With the Help of ‘Controlled’ Texas GOP 

AG: In his first interview since his acquittal Saturday in what he called a “sham impeachment” trial, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) told Tucker Carlson that the Biden regime orchestrated the effort to remove him with the help of the Lone Star State’s “controlled” Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan.

“So you think that the effort to remove you from office really came from the Biden administration?” Carlson asked Paxton.

“I really do,” Paxton replied, adding that he thinks “that’s where it was instigated.”

Paxton said the Biden Justice Department likely went to Democrats with their impeachment scheme and the Democrats told Republican Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan they wanted him out. He alleged that Phelan is basically “controlled by the Democrats” and had to “deliver” what they wanted to stay in power.

“I don’t think he particularly has an ideology. He’s like, ‘I want to stay in power. I’ve cut this deal to be Speaker with Democrats,’” Paxton explained.

The attorney general told Carlson that in Texas, Democrats have the power to choose the Republican Speaker of the House. MORE

6 Comments on Paxton: Impeachment Effort Was Orchestrated by Biden Regime With the Help of ‘Controlled’ Texas GOP 

  1. I tolerated George Bush I because he was with Reagan. I came to hate him for handing the presidency to Bill Clinton. I tolerated George Bush II until he let that idiot Karl Rove run things and I came to hate him when he handed the presidency to Obama. I came to REALLY hate him when he posed for loving photos with that ape in heels “Michelle” Obama. I REALLY REALLY hate him for trying to destroy the MAGA movement. Think about it: what is wrong with “Make America Great Again”? What kind of freak of facist do you have to be to be against it?

  2. Joe Biden is a vile racist white supremacist who’s pretending he’s not. After all, he was recently endorsed by neo-nazi groups and has a long standing with the Ku Klux Klan. Add that the idjit recently referred to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus as the Black Caucus, not to mention he also recently stated in full view of the public that blacks and hispanics don’t have diplomas. Add also his dowdy wife calling hispanics ‘breakfast tacos’.


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