Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine – IOTW Report

Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine


The dam is breaking on unified Western support for Ukraine, and the timing couldn’t be worse for Zelensky, given tomorrow he’s expected to meet with President Biden at the White House. On Wednesday evening there is monumental news out of Poland which could potentially change the entire course of the war.

“Poland will no longer arm Ukraine to focus on its own defense,” Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced just hours after Warsaw summoned Ukraine’s ambassador related to a fresh war of words and spat over blocked grain, according to the AFP. Warsaw has throughout more than a year-and-a-half of the Ukraine-Russia war been Kiev’s staunchest and most outspoken supporter.

Will this massive and hugely significant about-face mark the beginning of the end? Are peace negotiations and ceding of territory in the Donbas inevitable at this point?  more

10 Comments on Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine

  1. I want a FULL AUDIT of EVERY PENNY sent to this SCUMBAG…
    I wonder how many millionaires there are now, due to the BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars being sent to this SHITHOLE country??? !!!!!

    TRUMP 2024… he’ll take care of this…

  2. With any luck the rest of Europe will wake up.
    America isn’t asleep – America’s “leadership” is thoroughly corrupt.

    We need to deal with the traitors in and out of gov’t.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …of course if the Ukes flip the script and pile corpses dressed in Russian uniforms around a Polish radio station after shooting one or two Poles, that will bring all NATO into the fray on their side, just like TPTB want, then we get a REAL depopulating war that the folks with thereally expensive, taxpayer funded shelters probably think they can survive…

  4. SNS: I would not be surprised if this how things is a false flag operation. How many times have they been caught destroying their own stuff and killing their own people?

    Ukraine is just a money laundromat.


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