Thousands of troops live in ‘substandard’ barracks, exposed to sewage, toxic water, diseases: GAO – IOTW Report

Thousands of troops live in ‘substandard’ barracks, exposed to sewage, toxic water, diseases: GAO

JTN: Thousands of U.S. service members live in barracks that are in “substandard conditions,” including exposed sewage and non-existent heating, as officials raise concerns about potentially serious safety and health risks that could impact military “readiness,” according to a new government report published this week by the Government Accountability Office. The GAO is a congressional agency that examines how taxpayer dollars are spent and provides Congress and federal agencies with “objective, non-partisan, fact-based information.” MORE

25 Comments on Thousands of troops live in ‘substandard’ barracks, exposed to sewage, toxic water, diseases: GAO

  1. The GAO provides “… objective, non-partisan, fact-based information”?

    BULLSHIT! GAO is a gaggle of liars who know which side of the bread the butter is on.

    Can’t believe anything that comes out of gov’t. PERIOD.
    The gov’t expects the Armed Forces to kill us (the Americans) when the time comes, so does it make any sense, whatsoever, that the gov’t would lower their morale and weaken them? Possibly even alienate them?

    Doesn’t make sense to me – but a lot of stuff doesn’t make sense to me.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. In my ten years of active duty I don’t remember ever being assigned to military housing anywhere (barracks or base housing) where I didn’t have to sign a waiver stating I acknowledged I would be living in sub-standard housing. And that was between 1995 and 2004.

    it’s kind of stupid to blame the military for the neglect of the CIVILIAN
    contractors hired to run the water treatment plant, maintain the housing and barracs, pave the roads, landscape and mow the grass, and do the thousands of other things that are not combat related.
    yes, the pentegon is responsible for continuing to give contracts to companies that provide minimal or substandard service, but those to blame are usually CIVILIANS.

  4. Thousands of troops live in ‘substandard’ barracks, exposed to sewage, toxic water, diseases

    And just think troopers, there’s new illegal arrivals every day, and new drugged ravaged drug addicts, sloths, young ones like yourself whom we call “homeless.” You’re going to go die one day for these ;people who are living under the same conditions as you. Only difference is, you’ve got a barrack and a bed and take orders. The leeches get a sidewalk, a dumpster, and in some cases 3 hots and a cot.

  5. Remember that time when National Guardsmen sent to DC to guard the Capitol were barracked t in a parking garage?

    And remember how the fack-checkers all huffed that “Our reporting found no evidence that Democratic lawmakers or members of the Biden administration ordered the relocation of the National Guard members seen sleeping in parking garages.”?

    Yet the troops were bivouacked in the parking garage and somebody put them there. In January. But thanks, fack-checkers, for ignoring the fact and deflecting the blame instead.

    Attention all service members: The leftist, woke slugs who run our government—and that includes the Pentagon—hate you until they need you, and then they hate you even more. Your only use is as a political tool to be paraded in front of a cowed populace. And then you go back to your hovels, NPCs.

    My children will never volunteer to enter military concentration camps to be subjected to forced social and medical experimentation. The US military is broken, and it is a menace not only to its members, but those it purports to defend.

  6. Some bases have decent conditions, some are as described in the article. My guess is there is a selection process to decide who is assigned to which facility. If you are a woke progressive, you go to the good facility, and if you are a patriot, you go to the shithole. This is a continuation of Obama’s purge of the military to make sure the communists have willing, compliant foot soldiers.

  7. This has been going on for decades. When I was stationed at MacDill AF base in the 80’s I was in a Joint unit. I received a sub-standard housing allotment and my Army room-mate did not.

  8. The parking garages on Capitol Hill (at least on the House side) are steam-heated and have large ventilator fans to cool in the Summer. Congressmen, Senators, and Staff aren’t going to be inconvenienced parking their vehicles.
    They aren’t damp or moldy. In fact, they’re well-maintained and clean and are equipped with fire protection and the occasional restroom.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. It appears not much has changed since my time (1969} in hastily built Quonset Huts built for WW II draftees and enlistees. The Quonset Huts, serving as an open barracks for 40 recruits in bunk beds. The latrines, showers and wash basins were within 50 yards, also an open WW II Quonset Hut. Sub-standard? Absolutely.

    One year later, assigned to a Fire Support Base being built in South Vietnam, we were housed in large Heavy Canvas tents with dirt floors and no sand bags. The Latrine was within 50 yards. No running water on the base, water was gathered from a Water Buffalo tank. Showers were overhead 50 gallon drums. No chow hall with hot, prepared food. Plenty of “C” rations, on occasions Helicopters would bring hot food. When we got pallets covered in plywood for the floor of our tent we were now livin’ large. Later, 3 foot tall sand bagged wall around our tent.

    Even with all the limitations in Quonset Huts and later canvas tents, it was always much better than the lack of living accomodations when on patrols and larger exercises.

    Be happy for what you have, because it can always be taken away.

    With the astronomical raise of Property Taxes, I am fearful many senior citizens living on “fixed incomes”, who have purchased their homes over decades of payments, may lose their homes.

    They are now forced to set back $350 to $600 per month just to pay INFLATED property taxes.
    Those that can’t afford the Taxes will be forced from their home or the County will place a lien on the property and eventually sell the home right out from under the elderly homeowners.

    It’s disgusting government creates increased prices on all goods and services by their destructive policies and through increased Debt of Government reduces the purchasing power and value of the $Dollar through inflation.
    Government covers the shortfall of the purchasing power of the $Dollar by raising taxes at all levels, city, schools, county, state and federal.
    The vicious cycle created by the failure of Governments (at all levels) eliminates the freedoms of our Sr. Citizens, middle class and Younger families.

    The problem has been increasing for decades, Congress does nothing but spend, Federal Agencies keep growing, government keeps growing, laws, regulations and policies that limit our freedoms keep growing, taxes at all levels keep growing and the dollar buys less and less as each day passes.

    We have lost free market capitalism through government’s protective laws and regulations that favor some over others. We are nearer to socialism than a Free Market Society.

    Sr. Citizens may well end up Housed in present day Quonset Huts, (Nursing homes) just because they could no longer afford Federal, State, County, school and city TAXES.

    I love my Country, I distrust my Government to do the right thing.

  10. Hmmmm, I can see the feds enlisting illegals to join the military under the auspice that they will receive US citizenship. I doubt our military can train them into being good soldiers. Think they’ll take orders from a tranny?

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