Ukraine’s Pregnant Soldier Uniforms  – IOTW Report

Ukraine’s Pregnant Soldier Uniforms 

A nonprofit organization honored by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky manufactures military uniforms for pregnant Ukrainian soldiers.

10 Comments on Ukraine’s Pregnant Soldier Uniforms 

  1. I feel so bad for the Ukrainan people. They’re very brave and seem to be of high character. But our own government goaded Putin into attacking, and it’s obvious why: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. A lot of people claim the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were money wars, but we were attacked on 9/11 on US soil like we were never attacked before. Then there was the Vietnam war, which has some plausibility because we were trying to stem the USSR and Red China from taking over all of Asia and Southeast Asia. But this Ukraine bullshit is like nothing we have ever seen. Imagine a illegal money laundering operation by the American swamp so ruthless, 100,000 lives another 100,000 limbs were sacrified. And the slaughter is still going on, so the likes of Hunter Biden can live in Malibu. If it weren’t for Trump, none of this would be exposed. None of it.


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