Zelensky, Trudeau Honor Actual 3rd Reich Nazi With Standing Ovation – IOTW Report

Zelensky, Trudeau Honor Actual 3rd Reich Nazi With Standing Ovation

Info Wars: The same leftists who called Trump supporters Nazis for years are now honoring an actual Nazi.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky – who commands a battalion of neo-Nazis – honored an actual WWII Nazi with a standing ovation on Friday.

Yaroslav Hunka, 98, fought in a Third Reich military formation accused of war crimes. more

25 Comments on Zelensky, Trudeau Honor Actual 3rd Reich Nazi With Standing Ovation

  1. Liberals have always lied!

    “Compassionate Conservative” was neither the first not the last liberal lie.
    Were they honest they would not pretend to be helpful. They will be tilling lied in 2525!

  2. aircubed MONDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER 2023, 8:23 AT 8:23 AM
    “Crimes against humanity are forgivable now.”

    I’m afraid they’re going to find MY boss isn’t going to applaud them at ALL.

  3. ^Geoff the Aardvark

    That was the rise of the doomsday cultusts now in power. Same motivation and thought pricess that gave us the EPA. Instead of realizing “duck and cover” drills for school kids is bad for them theyve weaponized it so the current generations are sure everything that comes along “is going to kill them.” “Misery loves company” or “fear sells” seem to apply.

  4. Chicken Little, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” should still be a children’s fairy tale and not have become reality. I’m old enough to remember duck and cover drills in the late 50’s and early 60’s and knew even then when I was 6 & 7 that it was a bunch of baloney. Hiding underneath your desk in case the Russkies nuked us wasn’t gonna save you from being fried to a crisp. Bert the turtle lied. I blame it all it on the Peter Pans and Wendy’s who refused to grow up and are still carrying on like the late 60’s and early 70’s were the best time of their lives, minus Vietnam of course for young guys like me at the time.

  5. When I read your article on this topic, the first thought seems profound and difficult. There is also a bulletin board for discussion of articles and photos similar to this topic on my site betflik, but I would like to visit once when I have time to discuss this topic

  6. But for the progressive movement the Russians would have gone through these Nazis this time like shit through a goose. The progressive movement was on board the Hitler Fan Boy Train in the 1930’s and right up to Operation Barbarossa. Look it up, read their own contemporary periodical literature. Progressivism/Marxism/Satanism, it’s all the same and it exists to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  7. Vlad has his fingers crossed & his internet jamming ready. Can my bareback champion do it again?
    Not looking good. Last hope, looking like slim pickings. Can he save Vlad? Got to save himself 1st.

  8. On Yom Kippur to top it off!

    Birds of a Feather Right Justine?

    Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister was giddy & Applauding like a Short Tubby Seal. Recall, that her Grandfather was a Publisher & propagandist for The Yuke Nazi’s.

    You could not make it up if you tried…

  9. If they ever had any question about government uniparty, it was answered.
    All across that room, they were all standing and clapping.
    Why they didn’t just do the salute, I’ll never know.

  10. GEOF
    I was at Pendelton preparing to fight JFK’s war when it was popular. I wondered if i would live to ge 25! ‘Butn as i said yesterday I was willing to give my life for America. Clearli I did not. But DOC gets uch credit for me eing here to say silly things. 2525!

    As mel
    G said”I was young, once!”!

  11. justine turdhole honored the people who employed gun control on their way to murdering millions of european jews. but hey, that’s the national socialist worker’s party – the pedocrats here in new haiti admire them too.

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