Burger King gets flame-broiled for jumping into Russell Brand controversy – IOTW Report

Burger King gets flame-broiled for jumping into Russell Brand controversy

h/t Catturd

BPR: Fast food giant Burger King could be about to get flame-broiled after it jumped into the effort to cancel Russell Brand when it pulled ads from Rumble, a video-sharing platform that is under intense pressure to comply with the left-wing lynch mob.

The British comic and social commentator has been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct by a number of women who allege he sexually assaulted them years ago, allegations that Brand has denied but have given Big Tech and the anti-free speech left the perfect excuse to remove a critic with name recognition and a large audience from the playing field.

The news broke that the “Home of the Whopper” had complied with the demands of a left-wing censorship group and removed their ads from one of the platforms that still allows the free exchange of ideas deemed dangerous to the corrupt establishment when the activist organization The News Movement gloated that they were the ones responsible for Burger King’s move. more here

15 Comments on Burger King gets flame-broiled for jumping into Russell Brand controversy

  1. Burger King is already in a precarious financial position. They probably wouldn’t be able to survive a boycott. And how many leftist eat at BK anyway? That would be like Mobil Oil doing something to support the Stop Oil movement.

    And Hello Fresh? The people who sell fresh cut-up produce at a huge markup because they include a menu? Good luck with that.

  2. BK sucks on so many levels. Hearing that they pulled ads from rumble is completely unsurprising.

    I used to eat there semi-regularly until 20-some years ago when they replaced their onion rings with ring-shaped processed onion and chemical product.

  3. Made my own tonight:
    Top Bun
    Sweet Pickles
    Hot banana peppers
    Spicy Honey Dijon Mustard
    Bottom Bun

    Sweet & Spicy washed down with an Ice Cold Stella Beer.

    FUCK’EM & Not suggested TIP!

  4. I don’t even know how they stay open. The one where I live is always deserted. Remember when they were encouraging activists to throw their shakes? They’ve been loathesome for a long time even before that. Their food is and always has been disgusting and I haven’t eaten there since I was a teenager.

  5. Corporate entities are cowards by nature.
    BK just seems to be a bit quicker on the cowardice than some others.
    I don’t know if this is the reflection of cowards on their Board of Directors, their Executive Officers are cowards, or a culture of cowardice in the company itself.
    The Censorship movement needs to be dealt with in terms they understand – and I realize that it’s both subsidiary and ancillary to the preponderant world-wide Satanic movement.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I have never been able to stand Burger King. So have only ate there a handful of times over the years and the last time was over 10 years ago. The one in our nearest town is always empty, there’s one on the turnpike we were just on this weekend, we stopped to use the bathroom at the store connected to it and even it was totally empty.


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