IRS Contractor Charles Littlejohn Charged with Stealing and Leaking Tax Information of President Trump – IOTW Report

IRS Contractor Charles Littlejohn Charged with Stealing and Leaking Tax Information of President Trump

GP: IRS Contractor Charles Littlejohn from Washington, DC Charged with Stealing and Leaking Tax Information of President Trump Four Years After Leaking Private Tax Statements to NY Times.

Gateway Pundit:

Federal prosecutors have charged an IRS contractor who worked for the agency from 2018 to 2020 for unlawfully obtaining and disseminating the tax details of a high-ranking public official and numerous affluent Americans to media outlets.

According to court documents and an official press release from the Department of JusticeCharles Littlejohn, 38, of Washington, D.C., stole tax return information associated with a high-ranking government official, referred to as Public Official A. He then disclosed this information to a news organization identified as News Organization 1.

A source familiar with the matter informed CNN that the unnamed official mentioned in the legal documents is former President Donald Trump. more here

8 Comments on IRS Contractor Charles Littlejohn Charged with Stealing and Leaking Tax Information of President Trump

  1. Anyone who doesn’t realize that any access to presidential tax records is instantly flagged, and that IRS higher-ups are instantly notified, is a moron. The bosses knew AND APPROVED what Littlejohn was doing. If he had accessed, say, Nancy Pelosi’s tax records he would have been in the slammer that same day.

  2. Since the DOJ and the FBI won’t deal out any actual punishment other than a slap on the hand, it will fall on Real Americans to be sure the crime fits the punishment or better.

  3. “… an IRS contractor …”
    See? The IRS isn’t guilty of anything!
    The old Sgt. Schultz excuse, again.

    After Lerner and Koskinen America should be convinced that the IRS is corrupt from top to bottom.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Oh, so Mr. Littlejohn didn’t just steal and release Trump’s tax information, but that of a bunch of “wealthy Americans”. So THAT’S why the prosecution. But none of the many articles on line have a photo of Littlejohn…that’s odd.


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