No Fat Bear Week??? – IOTW Report

No Fat Bear Week???

Fat Bear Week falls prey to looming government shutdown.

To the dismay of Fat Bear Week enthusiasts across the country and around the world, the National Park Service will not host the event during the impending government shutdown.

Fat Bear Week is scheduled for Oct. 4-10, overlapping with what could be the first week of the shutdown. A senior Interior Department official told reporters on Thursday the department will not be able to report on the bears’ progress as its websites will be unavailable. (“The bears will continue to get fat,” the official noted.). more here
h/t joe6pack

12 Comments on No Fat Bear Week???

  1. Oh how will “Hank the Tank” survive? They moved his fat ass from Lake Tahoe to Colorado a couple of months ago, where he can no longer break into houses and cars. There’s another bear on the loose not far from Tahoe, his name is “T-Shirt.” That’s cuz his coat looks like he’s wearing a T-shirt (black with a white chest). I pity the poor bears with the impending government shut down.

  2. The worthless bastards will go out of their way to inconvenience and disappoint. They waste north of 50% of the revenue that comes their way and use north of half of the remaining money to advance an agenda that is in direct conflict with what is in the best interest of the American taxpayer. That leaves less than 25% that is actually worth us having them get their greedy mitts on.

  3. @Angus – Werner Herzog made an excellent documentary on him called Grizzly Man, using a lot of the footage Treadwell and his lady friends shot in Alaska.
    He was well-known in West L.A. socially, one of my church kids saw him speak at his private school. He was in Denali in October – which is after all the healthy bears have begun hibernation and only the old, weak, hungry ones are still out. Which Treadwell knew. Oops.


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