Gavin Newsom’s Wild Marriage – IOTW Report

 Gavin Newsom’s Wild Marriage

Newsom had an affair with his best friend’s wife and his wife claims that she was raped by Harvey Weinstein.

National File:

Loomer reminded America of Gavin Newsom’s past sexual escapades, and it’s not pretty. In 2007, then San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom had an affair with his campaign manager’s wife. Worse, Newsom’s current wife, Siebel Newsom, claims Harvey Weinstein  raped her. This did not stop Newsom from soliciting campaign donations from Weinstein. Many political insiders believe the DNC will install Newsom as their 2024 nominee.

Loomer shared a screenshot from a New York Times article written in 2007. The title of the article reads “San Francisco Mayor Admits He Had Affair with Aide’s Wife.” The essential details of the report include, “In a fast-unfolding scandal with all the sex and betrayal of a tawdry novel, Mayor Gavin Newsom admitted Thursday that he had an affair with his campaign manager’s wife. Mr. Newsom said he had a short-term sexual relationship with Ruby Rippey-Tourk, the wife of Alex Tourk, who until Wednesday was running his re-election campaign.”

Loomer captioned her screenshot, writing, “The Democrats are getting ready to push @JoeBiden out and run @GavinNewsom instead. Did you know that as Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newson fucked his best friend’s wife? His best friend was also his CAMPAIGN MANAGER. Gavin Grusome is the kind of guy who fucks his best friends wife. Which means he definitely wouldn’t think twice about fucking over the American people. Just something to keep in mind.” more here

68 Comments on  Gavin Newsom’s Wild Marriage

  1. I love the direct, unwhitewashed description of what Gruesome Newsome did to his best friend’s wife, and by extension, won’t hesitate to do to the American people.

  2. Agreed Rich.
    They put a known retard in office in PA and have standing corpses running for re-election.
    Tells you everything about Loomer too.
    Trump should tell her to stifle.
    Then again the bitch said Casey DeSantis faked her cancer so you know she has zero scruples.

  3. Hey Loco, didja read the article?..”Loomer shared a screenshot from a New York Times article written in 2007. The title of the article reads “San Francisco Mayor Admits He Had Affair with Aide’s Wife.” The essential details of the report include, “In a fast-unfolding scandal with all the sex and betrayal of a tawdry novel, Mayor Gavin Newsom admitted Thursday that he had an affair with his campaign manager’s wife. Mr. Newsom said he had a short-term sexual relationship with Ruby Rippey-Tourk, the wife of Alex Tourk, who until Wednesday was running his re-election campaign.”…..She didn’t say it. The New York times did….I think your the only crazy bitch around this story….I’d type SMDH but you would accuse me of plagiarism….schmuck…..

  4. “Yeah, I think the Trump team should leave this one alone, considering that 26 women have accused him of sexual misconduct;”

    Who gives a fuck besides you and that weak sister Loco? The countries on self destruct mode and your major concerns are political HIT JOBS. 30% of the current population in our country are illegal aliens and your major concern is who Trump grabbed by the pussy. SMFH

  5. No Brad, Rich’s point was that sexual peccadillos don’t mean SHIT any more for either side.
    That is a BIG PLUS if you are Trump with all his baggage.
    Laura Loomer is too damn dumb to figure this shit out though.

    You and willys need to take a remedial reading & comprehension class.
    Good grief!

  6. 26 women…big freaking deal…like that idiotic story about raping someone in the women’s dressing room in a busy NYC department store.
    Lump those in with all those fake indictments.
    Don Jr. is the only one who needs to worry about what Kimberly (Newsome’s ex) might have picked up from that creep.

  7. ” Trump with all his baggage.”

    Name the baggage. It’s perceived, projected by the left and only Morons buy into it. Like you and Rich.
    What ever the media says about Trump I ignore. And hope to God this man gets re elected. He is literally our countries last hope.

  8. It’s funny how some people here like being lied to by crazy bitches.
    Crazy assed cunts like Laura Loomer cost Trump votes.
    How many cancer survivors want to hear someone say a woman FAKED her cancer?
    Nope, they will stay the fuck home.
    Can’t vote for that kind of shit.
    Can’t reward crazy.

  9. “No Brad, Rich’s point was that sexual peccadillos don’t mean SHIT any more for either side.”

    Sad, that this had to be explained to him.

    At least Newsom did not have to pay $130,000 for his indiscretions, so there is that.

    Is Loomer a tranny? She does look like one.

  10. Loco
    What baggage?
    President Trump has an outstanding record of actual accomplishments as President. He als won twice but will have to win a third time to make up for the stolen 2020 election.

  11. “Here’s when Brad SMFH’s, does he ear rattling between his ears?”

    And how would you know that? You don’t have the balls to get with in a 1,000 yards of me. Fucking big mouthed pussy.

  12. And I Cristen you one fucking moron. You would defend your girl friend Ronda should the same accusations were made against her. You’re a deep state Troll. Period, end of story.

  13. Loco said…”I said it may be true”…..Was it Loomer or the New York Times?….Manipulate quotes much Loco?….IT WAS THE FUCKING NEW YORK TIMES YOU DUMBASS!…and maybe true?….The quote came from NEWSOME…

  14. I saw dis happenin’ more than a while ago. When things get tough mothers eat their young, friends become foes, brothers kill brothers. I can relate, I have 2 at the TOP of mine.

  15. Loco, what part of zero credibility does Loomer have if she’s qouting a New York Times article that had a Newsome qoute?…..That’s enough….I don’t like playing with toadstools…..

  16. “Face it Brad, you consider women inferior.
    I feel bad for the women in your life.”

    Are you married? No. Ever been married? Maybe. Did it last? Fuck no. I can’t think of any woman I’ve ever met that would have shit to do with you. I remember your story about going to a Fleetwood Mac concert and bringing flowers to throw at Stevie Nicks, but nothing for your date. I bet you didn’t get laid that night, Again your a moron and I’ve been married to the same women for 47 years and still make her laugh.
    Try again.

  17. Yes Willys, I say OMG, LOL, good grief, SMDH, WUT?, WTF, Bwahahaha, GFY, nigga please, AYFKM?, FJB, eat shit & die, Bueller-Bueller, etc…

    These are expressive ways to convey emotions during texting.
    Meanwhile you say shit from the Big Lebowski or some shit like that and I don’t complain.

  18. y’all need to get this crap settled

    I suggest an appropriate venue … a neutral Jr. High School Boy’s Locker Room
    where you enter the shower, resplendent in your over-sized jock straps & face off w/ wet rolled-up towels & snap them at each other until someone cries for their Mommy.
    the winner gets detention from the principal … Big Fur.

    DO IT! … for the sanity of the rest of us!

  19. The truth is the truth, no matter who says it, crazy or not, promiscuous or not, a grammatical stickler or not.
    Truth, please!
    Thank you to those who have passion about a topic and are courageous enough to share their opinions. Insults and name calling come with the territory (and can be pretty entertaining). I truly appreciate the freedom to speak ones mind here, someone else may see something the rest of us don’t. Thank you Mr Big Fur Hat for this modern day salon! God bless the courageously honest!

  20. ΜΟΛΩΝ, we’ve actually toned it down.
    Used to be an argument 6 days a week.
    Now it’s just one or two.
    No physical threats of violence as of late so that’s a plus as well.
    Now most of the childish insults are calling men by women’s names and calling straight men gay.

    That said, I do agree with you that any match should take place in a “Jr. High School Boy’s Locker Room” since that matches the intellect level of the immature insults.

  21. Story is very incomplete! Gave knocked Ruby up! He got the Frisco taxpayers to pay $1,000,000 (a thousand Gs) for the maintenance or support of his biological offspring! It was called “sick pay”!?@#!?$. UNIPARTY has no morals an no ethics.

    Alex is clearly a very successful PIMP! Sorry ladies for the word; but UNIPAERTY brings out such words!


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