Defending the UniParty Swamp at All Costs – IOTW Report

Defending the UniParty Swamp at All Costs

JD Rucker:

In case you still think the Republican wing of the UniParty Swamp is better than the Democrat wing, think again. They are just as evil, though they attack the nation from slightly different angles. They’re the guard dogs to run cover for the Swamp so no uncompromised Republicans on Capitol Hill can go after them.

Today, their target is Congressman Matt Gaetz. The Swamp member they’re protecting is Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. And they’re willing to use the Congressional equivalent of the death penalty to retain power.

Gaetz has declared he’s going to move to oust McCarthy. While most in the GOP caucus support their RINO leader, there may not be enough to keep McCarthy in power without help from Democrats. more

10 Comments on Defending the UniParty Swamp at All Costs

  1. IMHO the Rep wing has been the worse wing for 70 years. Still is!

    Biased I am! Voted for Barry in ’64. El Rusbo told us in 1998 “Bush Republicans” elected LBJ! Barry and I think/thought Rusbo got it!

  2. Kevin McCarthy – Pod Person.

    The SERIOUS plundering of America has begun – sadly, it won’t end until We, the People, end it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. All theatre. After the public display they’ll all go out together for a meal of caviar, Wagyu beef, Dom Perignon with copious numbers of after dinner drinks on the taxpayers dime. They all feed at the same trough and nothing will change without being forced. It’s much too profitable being a politician. Why upset the gravy train.

  4. No Surprise when McCarthy pushed what few principles he has to allow the GOP house members to be pleasured by Schumer, Pelosi and other Democrat socialists.
    Gutless McCarthy threw American citizens under the bus once again.

    Now Gaetz, by calling out McCarthy’s failure to keep his promises, is facing the wrath and threats by the establishment UNI-party.
    Even democrats say they will be voting for McCarthy as speaker, to protect the uni-party status quo.

    McCarthy has shown to be what we all thought before he became speaker, a go along to get along establishment tool, mentored by Boehner and Ryan.

  5. These “uni-party” bastards are not Americans. I know what the fuck they are, but they’re working to loot our country, enslave us and destroy our futures. We know what needs to happen to them.


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