“Why Are There So Many Men?” – Women’s Computing Conference Flooded With Males – IOTW Report

“Why Are There So Many Men?” – Women’s Computing Conference Flooded With Males

Reduxx: A major networking conference focused on centering women in computing is facing backlash from some participants after a flood of males were allowed to attend, reportedly due to the event’s inclusivity policies.

Created in 1994 and inspired by the legacy of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, the AnitaB.org Grace Hopper Celebration purports to “bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront.” While the conference was historically focused on women, recent developments in its gender inclusivity policy saw its branding open up to “non-binary” participants as well.

In its most recent Press Release on the conference, AnitaB.org deemed it “the world’s largest gathering of women and non-binary technologists.” more

14 Comments on “Why Are There So Many Men?” – Women’s Computing Conference Flooded With Males

  1. ok, is an xx chromosome ‘non-binary’?
    or. is an xy chromosome ‘non-binary’?

    … can I get a ruling?

    can’t tell a player w/out a scorecard … what position do they play … pitcher, catcher? … hum batta, batta
    Good night Miss Agnes … Ain’t the beer cold?

  2. “A major networking conference focused on centering women in computing is facing backlash from some participants after a flood of males were allowed to attend”

    Fuck ’em. I’m pretty sure that if someone hosted a computing conference specifically for men, we’d never hear the end of the outrage.

  3. “…focused on centering women in computing…”

    Well there’s your problem, right there: This prog bullshit about “centering”. You don’t put women, or anyone else, at the center, as if they are special creatures. You include them in the network, which includes a lot of men.

    Women are never going to be computing in female-only hives, celebrating the sisterhood of coding. They will be working alongside men, and in most cases, liking it.

    These whiny women need to get over themselves. Hell, they might even find a husband. Oh, you stepped in it now, Thirdtwin.

  4. Thirdtwin MONDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2023, 8:04 AT 8:04 AM

    “Women are never going to be computing in female-only hives, celebrating the sisterhood of coding. They will be working alongside men, and in most cases, liking it.”

    …programming is usually a pretty solitary business. You may collaborate with someone who’s writing a different part of the program, but the subroutine you are writing is all you. I can tell who wrote what among people I’m familiar with just by the way they solve certain problems within programs. One guy may use a latch bit and another use the result to latch in a rung, both being acceptable solutions but showing a difference in thinking. Even among OEMs making supposedly identical cells I can see differences between machines that come from different guys doing different things. Computer geeks regardless of their sex organs are generally pretty insular and introverted and often arrogant that THEIR solution is the right one, so working together is pretty much “Collaborating with someone I’ll never see at different places and times or maybe on the Internet, but “working together” isn’t necessarily something that’s a prized part of the job regardless of whether the other person can legit wear perfume or not.

  5. Ladies, shut up. You wanted inclusivity, you got it.

    I could never stand female only classes, work environments, etc. I need a balance of perspectives. Having worked in the computer industry for many years, I found that I love working alongside men. They are so refreshing compared to the nattering silliness of all women environments.

    We need each other, so stop trying to destroy men!

  6. this reminds me of affirmative action. it is based on a moral society who will largely tell the truth. unfortunately we have been in decline for a very long time. it goes like this… if the requirement for entry is black female, then fine im black female. who will contest my blackness and gender? (even though i am visibly a white male). this is just another example of dishonest citizens scooping up the opportunity. like pocahontas did to get school money/entry. or the male athletes who compete as females. the entire political premise of race/gender identity opportunity is based on honesty. the government, its non profits, corporations, law enforcement have no business providing dishonest opportunity to any race, gender, or religion, that will further decline the moral code of america. its just a matter of (short)time before the clingers realize they have been duped by the government and the dishonest opportunists. when the clingers come off then there will be no one to believe this horseshlt.

  7. “Okay, but if there are any girls there, I wanna DO them!” The D&D Summoner Geeks wanna meet girls and if they have to pretend to be girls to do it-they will.

    @Claudia I completely agree.


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