FBI uncovers pedo cult – IOTW Report

FBI uncovers pedo cult

Headline USA:
The FBI warned parents to be extra protective of their kids after it discovered a satanic pedophile extortion cult that targets its victims online.

To find new victims, the cult used platforms, such as Discord, Twitch, Soundcloud, Roblox and Telegram, according to the Guardian.

In its public service announcement, the FBI warned people that the cult uses many names, among which are 76, 764, CVLT, Court, Kaskar, Harm Nation, Leak Society and H3ll, adding that it “continuously evolves and forms subgroups under different monikers.”

“To gain access to a majority of these groups, prospective members are required to live-stream or upload videos depicting their minor victims harming animals or committing self-harm, suicide, murder or other acts of violence,” the bureau said.

The investigation into the cult began after police arrested a 23-year-old Angel Almeida on gun charges in New York and discovered his social media posts that led them to the cult, the Guardian wrote. more

23 Comments on FBI uncovers pedo cult

  1. Gavin Newsome used the California National Guard to eliminate any competition for California’s “legal” grow operation that they all get a cut of. Basically the National Guard is enforcing a Democrat cartel.

    What odds you lay that the FBI is providing the same “service” for leading Democrats by protecting THEIR monopoly on child rape…

  2. key word in this article is “target”. stay away from that store and be thankful its name relays how your children are depicted. while we are on the subject. schools are fast becoming the same. the innocent quota for satan is exponential and has no bounds. the war is real, do not be a victim. be the christian soldier who recognizes evil and does not partake. remember gods plan is free agency for all on this earth with christs sacrifice. that means promote free agency and shun satans plan of forced thought and actions with the high price of innocent sacrifice. (abortion, child sex trafficking, transgenderism, phones, music, movies, many times healthcare and the like. anything that prematurely removes the innocence of children and promotes premature death or suffering) think of your children as being made of solid gold in a room of thieves.

  3. Found the Pedo Cult headquarters at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash. DC with a subsidiary office at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 and
    the Pedo Cult Training Center on Martha’s Vineyard.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The ABC news person who ‘debunked’ pizzagate just got sentenced to a long stretch for apparently heinous sexual abuse of children. May he meet his maker soon for proper disposal.

    When the (bogus, installed) president of the United States is a known kiddie queer who queered his own daughter by her admission and the previous president is a queer who has a tranny for a ‘wife’ the ground is prepared for all the queers from vanilla homo to satanist blood drinking kiddie queers to act out at will. The media will suppress news of it of course, and hell, the courts will allow things to slide as they find appropriate.

    We normals have dropped the ball, we’ve tolerated ourselves into some really bad circumstances… COVID shot anyone? We’re going to have to dial the ‘tolerance’ back a whole lot if we are to save any significant part of the remains of our civilization.


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