Report: Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – IOTW Report

Report: Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell

Michael Lewis, author of The Big Short joined “60 Minutes” last night to discuss his upcoming book Going Infinite about disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

Michael Lewis told the far left news program that the former finance CEO met with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell ahead of the 2022 election. McConnell persuaded SBF to donate millions to his list of anti-Trump candidates.

Lewis told 60 Minutes that Sam Bankman-Fried donated millions to support Mitch McConnell’s anti-Trump GOP senate candidates. MORE

5 Comments on Report: Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell

  1. McCONnell has supported ONLY RINOS, particularly against conservative candidates Trump has endorsed.

    McCONnell has always been a person to maintain control by any means, even when it’s NOT in the Interest of citizens or the US.

    Old School POS, who has always put his interests FIRST. No Principles, No Loyalty.

  2. The man who “sweated blood” to confirm Garland A.G. is a Fried guy? Shocked, I tell you! Shocked!
    Are you going to tell me he has been pushing American taxpayers to pay $billions help Hunter’s long time partner.

    Hunter’s BFF is a “conservative”; ASK HIM!
    As “conservative” as an UNIPARTY man has been the last 68 years!


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