Victoria Spartz: ‘I cannot save this Republic alone’ – IOTW Report

Victoria Spartz: ‘I cannot save this Republic alone’

JTN– Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz on Monday announced she would consider resigning from Congress if the legislature does not soon create a commission to address the mounting national debt.

“I’ve done many very difficult things being one woman standing many times with many very long hours and personal sacrifices, but there is a limitation to human capacity,” she said in a statement. “If Congress does not pass a debt commission this year to move the needle on the crushing national debt and inflation, at least at the next debt ceiling increase at the end of 2024, I will not continue sacrificing my children for this circus with a complete absence of leadership, vision, and spine. I cannot save this Republic alone.” more

12 Comments on Victoria Spartz: ‘I cannot save this Republic alone’

  1. Oh woes!
    She is ‘wasting her time’ in Congress when she could be home slicing oranges for soccer team snacks !

    If I were in DC, ALL Party leadership (both sides of the UniParty) would look like that memorable pic of NV Sen Harry Reid.

  2. I understand that it’s difficult trying to stop this hurricane of stupidity – but, their goal is to have complete control with zero opposition. So, they WANT those on the side of America to quit.

    However, without enough true Americans with you in the chamber, what can you do other than lose every fight you attempt with a very limited view from the public you are trying to save/protect? Not many can deal with this level of core frustration.

    I’m torn. Keep your sanity until everything burns or keep fighting until everything burns?

  3. I knew a woman who ran for the county council and won a seat. She was smart and determined to follow through on her campaign promises and positions. After one term she realized the system is set up to force you to comply or to beat you down, even at the county level. She didn’t run for a second term in order to preserve her sanity. I have no respect for any politician who somehow manages to “work their way up” the political ladder.

  4. Same thinking on voting for which uni-party candidate we get to pick from. A bad candidate or one your not sure of as to where she, he, it stands or flips. Krap shoot/ con-game comes to mind. We need a honest rating system


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