Speaker Kevin McCarthy Fails to Block Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Motion, Faces Vote to Save Speakership – IOTW Report

Speaker Kevin McCarthy Fails to Block Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Motion, Faces Vote to Save Speakership

Breitbart: Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) hopes of maintaining his gavel suffered a blow Tuesday when Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) scored a procedural victory in his bitter personal feud with the speaker.

McCarthy lost a vote to table Gaetz’s motion to vacate the speaker’s chair when eleven Republicans joined every voting House Democrat in a 208-218 vote. more

12 Comments on Speaker Kevin McCarthy Fails to Block Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Motion, Faces Vote to Save Speakership

  1. Nice to see that lying politicians are willing to oust a lying politician when said lying politician lies to the lying politicians by not following through on his promises.

    Time for a new liar.

    Rearranging the deck chairs will now commence.


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