Dem Rep Demands Change to Russell Senate Office Building That Was Named After Democrat Segregationist  – IOTW Report

Dem Rep Demands Change to Russell Senate Office Building That Was Named After Democrat Segregationist 


Rep. Al Green (D-TX) on Tuesday spoke on the House Floor in an attempt to cry racism. This was a bizarre attempt to distract from the recent Senate dress code scandal involving Democrat John Fetterman.

This is the usual strategy of the Democrats: change the subject to race. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Jamal Bowman’s office recently sent out talking points labeling members of the Republican Party as “Nazis” to defend his criminal act of pulling a fire alarm to obstruct an official proceeding in Congress.

While speaking on the Floor this morning, Green used the “recent kerfuffle,” where Senate Democrats changed the dress code to allow brain-damaged John Fetterman to wear gym clothing in the Senate, to decry the Senate for allowing an office building to be named after segregationist Richard Russell.

However, what Green omitted from his rant against the 46 Senators, who signed a letter demanding that Fetterman honor the institution by dressing like an adult, is that Richard Russell, like most racists in his time, was a Democrat, and the Russell Office Building, formerly known as the Old Senate Office Building, was renamed by a Democrat-controlled Senate. MORE

10 Comments on Dem Rep Demands Change to Russell Senate Office Building That Was Named After Democrat Segregationist 

  1. @cato – nononoyoudon’tunderstand… like 60 years ago the Dems and Republicans ALL SWITCHED PARTIES or something. So now the GOP is the party of racists that always wanted slavery and Dems always opposed slavery.
    Or so I am told.


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