Army Goes After Elite Warriors- Plans to Cut Special Operation Forces by Nearly 3,000 – IOTW Report

Army Goes After Elite Warriors- Plans to Cut Special Operation Forces by Nearly 3,000


The U.S. Army is set to make major reductions to its special operations forces, and going after the Army’s elite warriors is no accident.

In an ever increasing effort by the Biden Administration to inject the U.S. military with as much woke propaganda as possible, special forces units remain among the few areas the woke warriors have failed to gain traction. more

19 Comments on Army Goes After Elite Warriors- Plans to Cut Special Operation Forces by Nearly 3,000

  1. They’re not really fired, just moving laterally and unobtrusively into the intelligence community. All the US military action is in regime change and assassination now.

  2. This keeps up and we’ll end up with a military of nothing but QUEERS using their soft guns to shoot paint balls. If they do manage to hit the enemy they’ll yell out “I hit you so now you’re supposed to play dead”.

  3. I supported the elite warriors. I was JCSE. The Joint Communications Support Element. MacDill’s CENTCOM answer to having frontline communications with any shit happening in the world.

    This shit doesn’t fly. There are some bad decision markers out there

  4. Is this General Milley’s parting gift to Joe’s Chinese handlers?

    You want to make the Army ineffective? Get rid of the best warriors.
    First, many were forced out because of the COVID mandates. 2nd, Some of those that stayed in the Army were inflicted with Heart damage and blood clots.
    3rd, Now the “NEW” Army further depletes their warriors.

    The Obama/Biden Regime are hell bent in destroying The United States.

  5. I guess the Army thinks everyone will fly drones and have AI soldiers developed by DARPA.

    The Pentagon’s Perfumed Princes are so removed from those who actually fight their wars they forget about the boots on the ground and the sacrifices they make.

    The Joint Chiefs need to eliminate the better part of the Army’s General officers and increase Special Operators.

  6. They think War is only an Olympic game. That’s why the Navy is random drug testing the seals for PED’s. The Navy says it’s going after the seals in order to maintain high standards.

  7. ^^^ “…That’s why the Navy is random drug testing the seals for PED’s.”

    “Anabolic-androgenic steroids, often shortened to “anabolic steroids,” “steroids,” or “androgens,” 2,3 are the most widely misused APED. These are synthetic substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone.”

    so now there are two standards for hormone use.

  8. Note it’s not the shooters – SF, SEALs, Rangers aren’t being touched. They’re still afraid of them.

    PS Milley played high school football with Richard Levine. Bet they picked up each others’ soap in the shower.

  9. Who knew that the New Elite Heroes would be Tubby kids at a keyboard running drones that honed their skills hours with Orange Cheeto Dust on their Fingers, Drinking Mountain Dew & Peeing in Jars while gaming?


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