Jim Jordan wins GOP conference vote for Speaker, defeating Austin Scott – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan wins GOP conference vote for Speaker, defeating Austin Scott


The House GOP conference held its second election for House speaker on Friday between Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Austin Scott, R-Ga.

Jordan came out on top 124-81. He needs a simple majority, which is currently 217, on the House floor to become speaker.

Some lawmakers are not present at the U.S. Capitol given that votes are frozen until a speaker is elected. The conference is now holding a test vote to find out how much support Jordan will have from Republican members on the House floor. It is unclear if a floor vote will be scheduled for Friday evening. more

10 Comments on Jim Jordan wins GOP conference vote for Speaker, defeating Austin Scott

  1. In the end let’s pray and hope that the people, and Not the swamp, are the benefactors of whoever becomes speaker.

    I am sure the left has plenty of reasons to smear whomever is nominated.

  2. Loco
    And fuck you. As it stands now China can waltz into Taiwan unopposed. We are out of ammo. We are close to being defenseless. What kind of bad guys have come across our border? We are more vulnerable right now than we’ve ever been. I could go on. And you think this is a good thing. I don’t think you think to well. The bad news is, Jordan doesn’t stand much of a chance. The RINOs will vote for the democrat before they’ll vote for Jordan. We are on a self destruct path courtesy of Obama Inc.

  3. The new Speaker’s only priority is to defund the fake Biden admin and put some damn people in jail. I am not sure Jordan will even pretend to do that.

    I live my whole life with a glass is half full mentality. Tough to do that these days.


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