GoodBye, Chrissy – IOTW Report

GoodBye, Chrissy

JTN: Actress Suzanne Somers passed away Sunday morning at her home after a battle with cancer. She was 76 and set to turn 77 on Monday.

“Suzanne Somers passed away peacefully at home in the early morning hours of October 15th. She survived an aggressive form of breast cancer for over 23 years,” her publicist, R. Couri Hay, told “Page Six.” 

“Suzanne was surrounded by her loving husband Alan [Hamel], her son Bruce, and her immediate family.”

Somers’ husband, Alan Hamel, had revealed less than three months ago that his wife’s breast cancer had returned. more here

54 Comments on GoodBye, Chrissy

  1. That’s breaks the heart a long time admirer. She had 10 years on me but she always got my attention. A natural beauty. Another sad loss from my generation, God Speed

  2. “Rich Taylor^^^^Wow! Can’t even wait till she’s buried.”

    No Shit. And no class. I followed her on IG. I follow Rich Grenell there and she kept popping up on his feed. It turns out they are neighbors and she’s a conservative. Sad news.

  3. ^^^ Hey dumbass, nobody cares who you follow on IG, or on Only Fans for that matter. And you are about the last person on the planet that should be talking about class. Go find a dog to kick.

  4. I have a friend who lived her life after Suzanne. Suzanne did the natural “cure” for her breast cancer, and was big into her sexual drive. My friend tried to talk me into going and seeing Suzanne in Sacramento a few years back. I told her no, I don’t buy into snake oil fads. It was worth a try I guess.

  5. Well Rich, I was hoping people might find it interesting she was friends and neighbors with Rich Grenell and a conservative.
    Do you believe in karma Rich? I do. I think one day we’ll meet and you can call me a dumb ass to my face.
    And again you have zero class.

  6. Your impressions on what is a conservative has always been highly suspect. Since you regularly indulge in progressive trappings; moving goalposts, name-calling, the inability to provide any receipts when making claims, oh, and the total lack of veracity considering how many lies I’ve caught you on, it is your “conservative” credentials that need re-newing.

    Back, on topic, I liked her in Three’s Company, watched the show regularly. I only made the comment on her miscalculation about her monetary worth, because since then, a few have done the same, and most of the time it ended badly.

  7. “Your impressions on what is a conservative has always been highly suspect. Since you regularly indulge in progressive trappings; moving goalposts, name-calling, the inability to provide any receipts when making claims, oh, and the total lack of veracity considering how many lies I’ve caught you on, it is your “conservative” credentials that need re-newing”

    This is funny. Whom is calling names on this thread? Moves goal posts? Really? Lets ask BFH or Burr who moves goal posts. What you’ve written here is classic libtard projection. Got better things to do than read your whacky shit today.

  8. “Got better things to do than read your whacky shit today.”

    Yeah, like what you normally do, wait a few minutes, then post an “Anonymous” comment supporting your position,”That Brad, he is spot on, what wisdom and intellect, I’m just dazzled by his brilliance, what a guy”.

    Here, let me post your next anonymous comment, I’m much better at it.

  9. October 1973 was when I first saw American Graffiti in San Diego at a theater up by the Naval Training Center, it was also the month when the Yom Kippur war started, and Spiro Agnew forcibly resigned As Vice President and the beginning of OPEC and the first Arab oil embargo. Quite the month and a month later on the day after Thanksgiving 1973, I was on my way with 6,000 other sailors and airmen aboard the Kitty Hawk to SE Asia and beyond to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf and returning nearly 8 months later from overseas in the middle of July 1974. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 50 years, and the world has completely changed since then from what America used to be. I miss the old America and I’m glad that I grew up before we ended up in the mess that we are in now as a country.

  10. My wife followed her, not for her acting but for her story as a survivor for almost a quarter century before the scourge claimed her. She had a different approach to breast cancer but it gave her a little more time with her family and I’m not going to take away from that.

    RIP Suzanne Somers, and may the Lord comfort your family as you go home to Him.

  11. “Her snort/laugh on Three’s Company made me laugh.”

    MJ – yes and when Jack would mock her laugh would make me laugh as well.

    Side note – in the scene, at the beginning of the show, when Jack looks at the brunette and falls off his bike…that was Suzanne, donning a wig.

  12. She seemed to be the picture of excellent health. You couldn’t tell she was suffering with cancer and it would eventually take her life. Even though The Lord has our days numbered, be thankful you get to see another day – it’s a gift. Somers was a great example of a life well lived. RIP, Suzanne.

  13. geoff the aardvark – Your trip down memory lane made me wistful. Lately I’ve been caught up in reveries of “the good old days” too. And it really doesn’t seem like it was that long ago. Certainly NOT 50 years! It’s almost like we’re just having a terrible nightmare from which we’ll awake, tremble with relief, and thank God it was just a bad dream. It’s that bizarre and awful, the changes in even the past 20 years.

  14. RIP
    Nice person.

    I really had a thing for the consistently Bra Less Priscilla Barnes though. My Girlfriend at the time was a Visual Look alike but with smaller cans.

    The legs though…

  15. Now that I’ve read through the comment section, it’s clear that every subject here is fodder for petty bickering. Like watching sisters that won’t stop pulling each other’s hair at dinner time during grace.

    That’s just sad. It doesn’t have to be that way.

    Ms Sommers was a goddess in her own right. Sad that people find a way to bicker no matter what. Just can’t help themselves.

    Grow up. You’re making this site less valuable.

  16. Dadof4, somewhat disagreeing. How many places can we go and discuss different points of view. A few arguments here and there are worthwhile. It’s possible this is among the few places that counterpoints can be brought up. Who cares if it gets a little out of hand? We need more passion in this country, we need to say what’s on our mind without fear of the thought police. One more thing, what’s her name was not a goddess, she was an actress that pretended to be someone she wasn’t.

  17. Hey, Dadof4

    Do you consider this comment appropriate for a fellow conservative?
    “Suzanne was the first (that I could remember) star who, asking thought she was irreplaceable, asking for more money, and found out the hard way that they weren’t.”

    I didn’t. And I’m not the only one. Getting tired of your subtle attacks. If you want an enemy you’ve got one. What’s one more beta male?

  18. Kcir

    Back to reality. Remember when Trump first took office and there were reports of the Obamanation renting space in DC to set up a shadow government? They named names. Susan Rice, Blinken, and many more I can’t remember now. But there the same people that are now in this coup.

    There’s two women we’ve recently lost that influenced a lot of brain dead soccer moms, Kirstie Alley, and Suzanne Somers. They will be missed.

  19. Brad, Rich was the first offender here. Didn’t have to happen. If he didn’t try to jump on you. Nothing would be in the air.

    If you identify as an offender here…

    That’s on you.

    The fact you resort to being a wannabe bully online is also on you.

  20. Dadof4

    So who are you? The ultimate decider of guilt? I suggest you visit the Disney Channel. It very non confrontational . Like I’ve said, had enough of your little digs. I’m done with you

  21. Meaning I give you no quarter. You get that right? No more tongue in cheek “No offense Brad”, while I knew all long your chicken shit intent. You’re a beta male. Period, end of story.

  22. BTW. This all started because of Rich’s attack on you.It wasn’t about you, but you made it so.

    Bully on blindly.

    I really didn’t mean any offense about the puppy being called Brad, but if you want to be offended, go ahead.

    Methinks you have narcissistic tendencies. You can’t take any criticism without responding in anger.

  23. Dadof4

    If you feel bullied by me ON LINE, you are one weak mother fucker with zero self confidence. sorry, but that’s the truth. You are a BETA male. They hate me. Go to bed

  24. “BTW. This all started because of Rich’s attack on you.It wasn’t about you, but you made it so.”

    No, Dadof4, if you are going to comment on the subject you need to pay attention. This all started because Brad does what he always does, he always throws down first. I made what I thought was an innocuous comment about Suzzanne getting dumped from Three’s Company, and he got all butt-hurt and called me “no class”. He started it and I ended it, get your facts straight.

  25. Oh, and you just learned a valuable lesson about life, you can’t reason with the unreasonable. Some folks are just disagreeable and unpleasant by nature, best to avoid them if possible.

  26. Rich, it’s obvious that Brad’s outrageous behavior gets a pass by several posters here.
    It’s as if he’s “special ed” or something?
    They EXPECT him to lie, exaggerate, stomp his feet, call someone a faggot, then become violent when called out.
    Yet they rarely condemn him for it.
    “He can’t help himself so leave him alone.”
    He gets a pass like a retarded child.


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