“Censored and Controlled” 2 – IOTW Report

“Censored and Controlled” 2

President Biden and the democratic party have a Hunter Biden Problem. For years the first son has been under investigation. His case, to say the least, was slow-walked and in many cases ignored by the Department of Justice. Was it a coverup? Was it a crime? Was it an attempt to allow a criminal to go unpunished? Whatever it was, we now know the United States government purposely put a lid on Hunter Biden, the Biden Family and their multimillion dollar “family business.”

7 Comments on “Censored and Controlled” 2

  1. Until the media stops being the regime’s propaganda machine most of the people won’t know any of this. They’re either too lazy to do any further investigating on their own and take the talking heads’ word for everything or they’re uninterested in knowing the truth.

  2. That Biden ‘slow walked’ thing is also known as ‘kkk joe biden white privilege’. The rest of us would have already been decaying in prison if we pulled what those vulgar people have.

  3. Reading a tiny bit into the Biden family history, what’s publicly available, they appear to be a line of half assed opportunists. Always grasping, climbing and never quite succeeding in anything, falling back again and again into the common soup from which they try so to ascend. There seems to be a vein of depravity in the line as well, with sexual deviance the most visible.

    It’s no wonder Joe is so insecure and sensitive about, well, everything. His obscene reverence for and perverse lying about credentials and relative smarts, physical prowess and courage would be pathetic in a friend and strongly disapproved in normal family relations.

    It’s no wonder his dogs are biters and it’s no wonder he chooses shepherds to destroy through mishandling, a breed with status, powerful, intelligent, loyal and hard working. It’s the only way he can express his perverted dominance, through that serial destruction of what really is man’s best friend. In the human realm sexually abusing children probably provides the same kind of satisfaction.

    Of all the hideousness Biden represents, to me that is the most contemptible.

  4. It is not wrong to paint ALL politicians with a broad brush.

    Why should The People waste a moment of precious life on caring what these criminal creeps do? We can’t do a goddamn thing against this legion of evildoers.

    Pray that God will have Mercy on all his Creation.

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