Arkansas attorney general tells Chinese company to get off the state’s lawn – IOTW Report

Arkansas attorney general tells Chinese company to get off the state’s lawn

(The Center Square) – Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin announced Tuesday he has ordered a Chinese state-owned company to give up approximately 160 acres of land it currently owns in Craighead County.

Griffin said the owner failed to report foreign ownership within the time allowed by law. Act 636 of 2023 banned nine foreign entities identified as enemies of the United States from owning Arkansas agricultural land.

The land in question is owned by Northrup King Seed Co., a subsidiary of Syngenta Seeds, LLC, which is owned by China National Chemical Company, or ChemChina, according to the attorney general’s office.

ChemChina is on the Department of Defense’s list of Chinese military companies posing a clear threat, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Tuesday.

“For too long, in the name of tolerance, we’ve let these dangerous governments infiltrate our country. Arkansas will tolerate them no longer,” said Sanders. “I was proud to sign Act 636 sponsored by Sen. Johnson and Rep. Vaught banning foreign parties from nine enemy countries from owning agricultural land in Arkansas. And today we are acting on that law.” more

2 Comments on Arkansas attorney general tells Chinese company to get off the state’s lawn

  1. 100% Fed Up has an article on this;

    And my response;
    Curiosity question: What are Chinese laws about foreigners owning Chinese farm land? (as if there’s much Chinese farmland to be owned)

    It’s all fine and good to make sure that the ChiComs (and after so many shell corporations deep, EVERYTHING is CCP owned) divest themselves of US farmland. BUT….is Arkansas (or any other US state) making sure of whom the CCP divests/sells the farmland to? Being the sneaky ChiComs that they are, it would not surprise me in the least to find out that Northrup King Seed Co./ Syngenta Seeds/China National Chemical Company/CCP tried to (did) sell the farmland to ANOTHER ABC/XYZ/CCP company, merely shuffling money and assets from one pocket to another pocket of the same pants.


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