AZ man shares photo of all the unrequested 2024 mail-in ballots he’s already received in the mail – IOTW Report

AZ man shares photo of all the unrequested 2024 mail-in ballots he’s already received in the mail

Revolver– A man named Tyler Bowyer recently shared a disturbing message and photo that could be a grim harbinger of things to come. Tyler posted a snapshot of unrequested ballots that arrived at his home for the upcoming election. What makes this even more troubling is that the ballots are for people who don’t even reside at his address.

Sadly, we’ve got to break it to Tyler: his GOP elected officials have done absolutely nothing to address this issue in his state. more

13 Comments on AZ man shares photo of all the unrequested 2024 mail-in ballots he’s already received in the mail

  1. if everyone that received numerous ballots would’ve filled ’em out & voted for Kari Lake maybe they wouldn’t be in the shits they’re in in ‘Zona

    they want to send you multiple ballots? … give ’em multiple ballots
    what? Ferd Berfle voted from my residence? don’t know nothing about it

    fight their fire w/ their fire

  2. @Anonymous—

    The ONLY way the liberal, commie pieces-of-shit would agree to such an undertaking is IF the liberal, commie pieces-of-shit were to keep ALL the military, all the most favorable land, all the important infrastructure and EVERYTHING else they so desire along with completely transferring ALL governmentally incurred debts to the Republicans….Along with monthly payments from the Republicans based on the needs of the commie pieces-of-shit as directed.

    They are completely incapable of supporting themselves and would never last without the endless, continuous monies provided by the Republican/Conservative tax-payer dollars.

  3. From the article:
    “ The only people that could be okay with this don’t take elections seriously.”

    I disagree. The people committing election fraud take elections VERY seriously.


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