Scotland’s Muslim First Minister is opening the nation’s borders to Palestinian migrants – IOTW Report

Scotland’s Muslim First Minister is opening the nation’s borders to Palestinian migrants

National File: The Islamic First Minister of Scotland is calling on the people of the small U.K. nation to open their homes to Palestinian migrants as the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas threatens to displace as many as two million people and as globalists appear to be scheming to trigger another Middle Eastern migrant crisis.

First Minister Humza Yousaf, who was installed as the head of Scotland’s government earlier this year, is calling on the Scots to open their borders, their hearts, and even their homes to Palestinian migrants, as globalist efforts to force the Western world to absorb the population of Gaza kick into high gear, less than two weeks after Hamas terror attacks sparked a massive military conflict with Israel. more here

20 Comments on Scotland’s Muslim First Minister is opening the nation’s borders to Palestinian migrants

  1. I have missed my opportunity to play some of the most iconic golf courses in the world. Say adios to your tourist industry as well. How could the Scots elect someone like this? THen again, i guess we did as well.


  2. Here is the Soupbone quote;

    “as globalist efforts to force the Western world to absorb the population of Gaza kick into high gear”

    Funny, but you would think that a more concerted effort to get the other 50 Muslim nations to do the “absorbing” would be made. After all, they are “their people”, easier assimilated due to a shared culture. But alas, no M.E. country wants them, and nobody is asking ,”Why is that”?

    Of course, the globalists want Western Democracy destroyed so their motivations are obvious. But the actual people that live see what misery, destruction, and devastation has been wrought by bringing in Muslims. They don’t assimilate, they only infect and destroy.

    The question that I have is what kind of lunatic people’s would vote a hard-core muzzy into a position of power in the first place.

  3. Our Islamic “first” President (and America Last) has imported 10s of thousands of unvetted Afghani, so called “Refugees”, the Open southern Border has allowed 10s of thousands of unvetted Muslims and other criminals from across the globe.
    Now Biden is transporting over 1 million Unvetted palestinians who support Hamas and the slaughter of all infidels (ie, Christians and Jews).

    Even the other muslim countries refuse to allow the scum of the muslim world (palestinians) into their countries.

    Who’s paying who in this travesty of Global slaughter of the US? How much $ goes to the DNC and democrat candidates nation-wide?

  4. Better there than here! They’ll rue the day they ever allowed it – but heh, go for it. Just remember, they like to decapitate. We’ll be seeing you all later with your head on swivel stick.

  5. Several Arab nations have taken in the hamassholes in the past and kicked them out again for being crazed, militant, violent losers. Egypt and (I think) Jordan have already refused outright to take in any Gaza “refugees” this time.

    You know at least some of them will be coming here.

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