‘$80,000 in debt!’ 24-yr-old unwilling to climb corporate ladder rages over not finding high-paying job – IOTW Report

‘$80,000 in debt!’ 24-yr-old unwilling to climb corporate ladder rages over not finding high-paying job

BPR: Social media users had plenty of advice for a stressed-out Gen Z woman complaining about her employment prospects.

The 24-year-old ranted in a TikTok video about how difficult it has been to land a corporate gig even though she has gone $80,000 into debt to get her marketing degree.

“I have a bone to pick with America,” the tube-top-clad young woman began from the driver’s seat of her car.

She explained that she was on her way to her serving job, which she “f-ing” hates, as she sipped her Starbucks. more

35 Comments on ‘$80,000 in debt!’ 24-yr-old unwilling to climb corporate ladder rages over not finding high-paying job

  1. Make it $100,000 and get a nose job.

    Poor girl can’t swim at the beach on her back without triggering a Shark Warning.

    $120,000 and add a set of Knockers.

    That’ll help her prospects…

  2. participation trophies don’t count in the real world sweetie
    she better learn how to make espresso or sell phones at the verizon store cause no employer is going to be willing to pay for her drama

  3. This is a parody, right?

    I busted my ass for $12.50 an hour for years while learning computer networking. I worked every minute of overtime I was offered. I was 38 when my paychecks let me quit watching my bank statements daily to make sure my checks wouldn’t bounce.

    Welcome to life. live it.

  4. Sounds like you have a shit degree. Just like most of the garbage coming out of colleges. Here’s your first lesson as a grownup. You got suckered into paying a lot of money for a worthless piece of paper.
    Now you will cry for student loan forgiveness. I really have no obligation to pay for your stupidity.

  5. She complains about “corporate America” that pays her more as a waitress than she can make as an entry-level marketing trainee. She should be blaming the politicians who have legislated that burger flippers must be paid $15 -$20 per hour. Maybe if she was paid what she is worth, she’d swallow her pride and take that corporate entry-level job.

  6. She reminds me of my cousin’s kid, her mother refused to potty train her, said it’s too traumatic. The kid wore a diaper until she was four. She turned into an entitled princess.

  7. Her “literal marketing degree,” complete with hand smacking, never came with any guarantees. She holds it against America because it’s a free market economy. She LitEraLlY PAID to get a $200k job and goddamnit she should have one! What she wants is a socialist/communist country where her fate is decided for her at a young age, but she feels it’s her choice to do what she wants (thanks, America), and her COUNTRY needs to put her in that GUARANTEED field.

    Someone please break the news to her, if that were to happen she’d make a hell of a lot less than $200k and wait in line to spend her extremely limited kopecks for a single roll of toilet paper. BUT HEY, she wouldn’t criticize her country anymore, I GUARANTEE you that.

  8. I see a Bud Light failure in her future. Just ask that Harvard graduate how her marketing degree worked for her. Mulvaney is smelling like a rose with no degree.

  9. If she had worked her way through college, she’d have a better understanding of how life works, no debt, and probably a leg-up on her chosen career.

    But, alas, there are many who are hypnotized by the siren-song of debt.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. What she hates perhaps is that her income as a server is substantially determined by how well she serves her customers.

    Some suggestions: 1. Try to smile more. 2. Toastmasters

  11. Pretty stout limb I’m going out on;
    I call them participants, never really did anything that required sacrifice, pain, disappointment.
    All her short silly life everybody has told her “Good Job, here’s your trophy.”.

  12. Pretty stout limb I’m going out on;
    I call them participants, never really did anything that required sacrifice, pain, disappointment.
    All her short silly life everybody has told her “Good Job, here’s your trophy.”.
    Didn’t prepare her, life is hard.
    At her age I was $35K in debt due to no insurance and a premie daughter.
    I didn’t bitch to my employers, I told them I would do the best job I could.
    Had three jobs at times, took me 10 years, paid in full,

  13. We should really feel sorry for her, especially those of us who never went to college or have paid for their own education: she will expect us to pay her $80K. But watching her sip Starbucks in a luxury vehicle I can’t seem to feel sorry for her. I was busting my ass, driving a beater and drinking Great Value coffee at her age …

  14. Her AOC hand claps for emphasis…She’ll go far. And two sun-roofs. I am impressed.

    My daughter just graduated Summa Cum Laude last Spring, with a business degree, and the place where she was interning hired her on, but at low pay. She was glad to have the job. She just got a job at a bank in corporate, and she’s getting $80K a year, could not be happier. I’m going to send her this video to laugh at.

  15. that 80k in student debt – I’m betting some of that money was used to buy her that car she’s sitting in.
    I don’t think most people being asked to pay off these dopes student loan debts have any idea that when they borrow the money, the check is sent to them, not to the university. They can use it on vacations, cars, Uber eats – you name it.

    Her whining also reminds me of my mother-in-law’s stories of working in personnel at a major department store – these kids would sit there and ask – “is this an entry level position?” – to which she would snark – “no, you’re all going to be vice presidents today”

  16. Wow, such an entitled little princess.., driving a $80K+ Car, whining about the corporate glass ceiling that prohibits her from using her “business market degree “ , when she can’t even market herself.. and just now discovering that “experience” is required in the real world.. imagine that..? Experience.., who knew..? Maybe she should have taken a course in “Applications” and done some interning while she polished her resume and sprinkled her ‘pronouns’ around and woke woman studies.. poor thing. Cry me a river honey.. I see her future as a disappointment while she marries a successful doctor or lawyer type, who will be blamed from ‘holding her back’ in their marriage.. Geez

  17. Ooo baby, you is soooo stupid. Back in the 80s I graduated with an engineering degree at a time when the job market had collapsed. I did a little substitute teaching and worked at a machine shop sweeping floors and being a gopher for $4 an hour. Fortunately, things turned out better, but it took a few years and a couple of job changes. I didn’t expect to get a senior level job anywhere. It wasn’t until I gained a lot of experience that I was able to do okay (and end up retiring early).

  18. I’m uncertain of the % of Zoomers with this attitude, many worked through their degree, some served their country and risked everything in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, those who survived earned the GI BILL.
    This young, entitled 25 yr.old Girl (Not woman) knows nothing of sacrifice or work ethic. I suspect Mom and Dad paid for most of her education, her housing and food. I also suspect they paid for her car.
    She better find a Husband who made the sacrifices and possesses the characteristics she does not have before her 10 years at starbucks.

  19. Once she’s in the corporate marketing world she will only last a few years; I predict after about 5 years she’ll be “tired” of it and want to be “taken care of” as a stay-at home wife “princess”. Not an honorable stay-at home mom, but a princess who complains Hubby doesn’t do enough around the house, etc.


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