Rep. Mike Bost ‘Almost Lunged At’ Matt Gaetz in Closed-Door Republican Conference on House Speaker Vote – IOTW Report

Rep. Mike Bost ‘Almost Lunged At’ Matt Gaetz in Closed-Door Republican Conference on House Speaker Vote

Rep. Paulina Luna on Thursday said someone tried to fight Rep. Matt Gaetz during the closed-door Republican conference.

Someone tried to fight Gaetz in conference.

— Anna Paulina Luna (@realannapaulina) October 19, 2023

Republicans held a closed-door meeting on the House Speaker vote Thursday morning.

Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker earlier this month in a 216-210 vote after Rep. Matt Gaetz filed a Motion to Vacate the Chair. 8 Republicans voted to oust McCarthy: Biggs, Buck, Burchett, Crane, Gaetz, Good, Mace, and Rosendale.

McCarthy told reporters he had a fiery exchange with his ouster Matt Gaetz during Thursday’s closed-door meeting with Republicans.

“I was at the mic and I was speaking and Matt Gaetz tried to interrupt and I told him to sit down and he sat down,” McCarthy said blasting Gaetz and the ‘crazy eights’ who voted to oust him.

McCarthy continued, “No, I told him to sit down. I think the entire conference screamed at him.”

According to reports, Rep. Mike Bost “almost lunged at” Gaetz after McCarthy screamed at the Florida lawmaker to sit down.

Bost reportedly apologized to Gaetz.

25 Comments on Rep. Mike Bost ‘Almost Lunged At’ Matt Gaetz in Closed-Door Republican Conference on House Speaker Vote

  1. “You’re f—king with my cushy grift, man!”

    Don’t burst a blood vessel, Mikey. You got the jab, remember?

    I mean, I’m just guessing, but you probably got the whole series, didn’t you? And covid, followed by a Thankful & Grateful tweet. But I digress. Anyway, calm the f—k down, Mikey. You’ll be okay.

  2. I’ve known Bost for 30 Years from Murphysboro, Illinois well before he became a state rep and eventually congressman.

    He’s no conservative and has done NOTHING notable.
    Clip bait Bost “ALMOST” lunged at Gaetz.

    Bost is “Almost” a Republican, but he settled in with those who fund his reelection Campaign.

    Bost is an establishment RINO, keeps his mouth shut and votes the way he’s told !!

  3. It is great to suggest that these RINOs be “primaried,” but if you have ever seen how the political parties work, even at the local level, you know that corruption and control by the globalist/RINO/establishment folks reaches DEEP into the local parties and their power structures. Winning a primary is NOT about reaching the grassroots folks with great messages and a great platform. It is about the power of the local party leadership and that is ALL corrupt. Just ask anyone who worked on Ron Paul’s or Rick Santorum’s presidential campaigns. The system is rigged, and incumbents skate through any and all challenges. Back to a previous post of mine, just think if there were 25 times as many races for the party to try and control. There might actually be good folks winning for a change.

  4. Is “almost lunged” at someone the in-person equivalent of a “strongly-worded letter”?
    This should all be in the open. Let us see who these so-called representatives of the people truly are.

  5. Are you familiar with how the recall process works in your own state? These rules, just like the criminal and protective ballot access laws, were put in place by the two party oligarchy to ensure they are never held to account. In GA, you must prove “malfeasance” in order to recall someone. Good luck with that. Voting will not be the way to restore liberty.

  6. thnx mr l, yes the d-suckers in tx & elsewhere have made it virtually impossible to flush their worthless mostly-lawyer-asses out. america is at the cartridge box phase.

  7. I’m not trying to be a downer either. It’s just that when I see people suggesting using the system to fix the system I feel the need to point out how the system is rigged to perpetuate the broken system.


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