NY Dem Daniel Goldman’s Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links – IOTW Report

NY Dem Daniel Goldman’s Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

WFB: Pro-Israel Democratic representative Daniel Goldman’s (N.Y.) charitable foundation gave over $1 million to a group that bankrolled a progressive organization linked to Palestinian terrorism.

The Richard W. Goldman Family Foundation, a family foundation where Goldman served on the board until at least last year, has donated $1.2 million to the New Venture Fund (NVF), a major left-leaning, dark-money group, according to Fox News.

The NVF donated $38,000 to the Alliance for Global Justice for “environmental programs” in 2021 and $210,000 in 2020, according to the Washington Examiner. The alliance was recently dropped from Paypal, Stripe, and other fundraising platforms due to its sponsorship of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an Israel-designated terrorist group.

Goldman, who was visiting family in Tel Aviv during the terrorist attacks, has a pro-Israel record and decried the “death and destruction and savagery and massacre that the terrorists exacted on Israel.” But the funding link between his family foundation, the New Venture Fund, and the Alliance for Global Justice is the latest example of how anti-Israel activism has become deeply intertwined with many progressive organizations. more here

4 Comments on NY Dem Daniel Goldman’s Pro-Israel Dem’s Foundation Gave $1 Million to Group With Palestinian Terror Links

  1. To be “progressive” is to be anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and anti-White.
    Basically, to oppose God and embrace Evil – a visceral hatred for all things decent.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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