Biden Slammed Wall Street on UAW Picket Line, Then Jetted Off To Hobnob With Billionaires – IOTW Report

Biden Slammed Wall Street on UAW Picket Line, Then Jetted Off To Hobnob With Billionaires


President Joe Biden took a dig at Wall Street during a 12-minute appearance at a United Auto Workers picket line last month. But immediately after leaving strikers in Detroit, he jetted off to California, where he raised at least $1.9 million for his campaign at the homes of prominent hedge fund billionaires.

Biden raked in at least $800,000 at the Bay Area mansion of private equity billionaire Mark Heising and his wife Liz Simons on Sept. 26, according to campaign finance disclosures. Biden tallied at least $1.1 million more at a fundraiser the following day in San Francisco at the home of hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer.

Biden’s attendance at the billionaire fundraisers highlights the tightrope he has tried to walk during the UAW strike. While he publicly sides with auto workers, he has cultivated close ties to General Motors chief executive Mary Barra, the highest-paid auto executive in Detroit. Biden has praised Barra for pushing the auto industry towards electric vehicles. That’s an area of concern for auto workers, since electric cars require far less labor to produce. more

6 Comments on Biden Slammed Wall Street on UAW Picket Line, Then Jetted Off To Hobnob With Billionaires

  1. This treasonous piece of shit means nothing to the United States. He’s the enemy within. How these “billionaires” are so fucking STUPID is beyond me. When the ‘reckoning’ comes, remember all their names.

  2. The billionaires aren’t stupid.
    They’re buying political clout.
    Just as the big industrialists backed the Nazis, so the American billionaires back the demonrats.
    A pretty simple calculus.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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