Republicans Balk At Biden’s $100 Billion Request – IOTW Report

Republicans Balk At Biden’s $100 Billion Request

WLT: The Biden administration is currently working on a $100 billion foreign aid package that includes assistance for Israel as well as other top security priorities, according to people familiar with the details.

While Democrats like Chuck Schumer praised the request, saying it sends a “clear message” to “friends and allies that we have your back.”

The chances of Biden’s administration getting the money doesn’t look good.

On Friday, Republican Senator Tom Cotton declared that Joe Biden’s $100 billion foreign aid and national security funding request is “dead on arrival.” more

14 Comments on Republicans Balk At Biden’s $100 Billion Request

  1. Stupid asses need to cut it into chunks:

    But, of course, Biden, Schumer, McConnell, et al, can’t steal (as much) that way.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. A billion dollars nowadays is about as worthless because of inflation as a billion wooden nickels or a billion phony $3 dollar bills with joey’s face imprinted on it. It could also say, Not valid for legal tender and in govt. we trust because otherwise we might go bust, trust us. Yeah, sure, right. And we also will accept cash, gas, grass and ass as payment.

  3. After the GOP Senate states its righteous indignation regarding the continuing Biden spending spree, Inflation, open border, illegal immigration, and staggering DEBT, the GOP senators, led my mitch McCONnell, will roll over and vote with schumer.

  4. So, all of a sudden Tom Cotton speaks and now it’s Republicans.
    “Senate Republicans are expected to use Biden’s request as leverage”
    Says who? Give us some names. It’s getting so easy to read the bullshit.

  5. TRF
    SATURDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2023, 9:17 AT 9:17 AM
    “Does this mean that the democrats advance one base?”

    And holy cow, they always win on Republican unforced errors.

  6. When have we seen the Republicans actually stop the reckless spending?
    They may cut 10 million out but only enough so they can say they refused to give the Dems everything they wanted.

  7. So we’re going to borrow $100 billion and give it away. Why don’t Ukraine and Israel do the borrowing? Also, if the government can just print more money why am I paying taxes?


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