Poll: Donald Trump Nears 60% Support Nationally as All GOP Challengers Fall into Single Digits – IOTW Report

Poll: Donald Trump Nears 60% Support Nationally as All GOP Challengers Fall into Single Digits

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump nears 60 percent of support on the national level as his primary and caucus opponents all fall to single digits, per an Emerson College poll. At the same time, he also holds a slim lead over President Joe Biden in a tight hypothetical general election race.

In the Republican presidential primary race, Trump takes 59 percent of the response, placing him more than 50 points above his nearest competitors. Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) both register at eight points, with former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) on their heels at four percent. more

11 Comments on Poll: Donald Trump Nears 60% Support Nationally as All GOP Challengers Fall into Single Digits

  1. Interesting times. Will there even be an election? Or should I say, will the politicoblob allow am election with DJT so far ahead(Biden polls at 39% favorable, who fucking believes that?) that the cheating required for them to win will be too GD blatant?

  2. People should get video cameras and sit outside counting centers next election. Let’s video everything that drives up in the middle of the night. Of course, those in control would probably pass laws against that.

  3. It is past time for cameras, the law, and all that other bullshit. You have a treasonous cunt in the White Hut, a treasonous DOJ, FBI, on and on and on… enough of the baby bullshit!

  4. “holds a slim lead over President Joe Biden ”

    I don’t see how that’s possible. Ergo I don’t trust the rest of their numbers. I can tell you first hand that it’s doubtful Biden will get a single vote from Maui.
    Christie at 4%? Please, he doesn’t have that many family members.

  5. RadioMattM
    SATURDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2023, 15:16 AT 3:16 PM
    ‘People should get video cameras and sit outside counting centers next election. Let’s video everything that drives up in the middle of the night. Of course, those in control would probably pass laws against that.’


    You’ll NEVER get past ME!

  6. Brad
    SATURDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2023, 15:28 AT 3:28 PM
    “I can tell you first hand that it’s doubtful Biden will get a single vote from Maui.”

    Oprah and Dwayne Johnson.

    That’s 2.

  7. “Guessing it currently doesn’t exist though.”

    I’ve heard conflicting stories on that. Apparently his place was at an extreme end of Front Street. I was told it’s still standing.


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