Wyoming Wastes Millions on Broken ‘Green’ Electric Buses – IOTW Report

Wyoming Wastes Millions on Broken ‘Green’ Electric Buses

21 Comments on Wyoming Wastes Millions on Broken ‘Green’ Electric Buses

  1. Wyoming Wastes Millions OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS on Broken ‘Green’ Electric Buses

    Fixed it. This is a federal program. And geoff the aardvark is correct. Electric anything doesn’t run well in the extreme cold. And rich people don’t ride buses.

  2. Same old, unpunished gig. Grab and misappropriate Taxpayer $ by unaccountable bureaucrats, then “reappropriate” it to criminal, insider commies. NO MONEY FOR UNPROVEN PROGRAMS. Any bureaucrat/politician involved to improperly functioning programs will be immediately fired without recourse.

  3. The money wasn’t “wasted” – it ended up in the bank accounts of the politicians and their cronies who engineered the deal.
    Follow the money.
    Cui bono?
    And the company didn’t go “bankrupt” – the principles cashed out – same as every other “green” company “failure” of the past 30 years.

    Feds pump money in; principles abscond with the money kicking back a percentage to the Feds who pumped the money in and the politicians who backed it.
    Pretty old scam.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. A day late and a dollar short, but the state should have demanded a bond on he company so when it went bankrupt, at least some money could have been recouped.


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