Workin’ 9 to 5 – IOTW Report

Workin’ 9 to 5

And she is NOT happy.

[College Grad in Tears After Experiencing First Ever 9-to-5 Job.]

40 Comments on Workin’ 9 to 5

  1. Poor little child. Sweetie, try working 10 hour graveyard shifts doing a sometimes dangerous job with many hostile “customers”, sometimes having to finish paperwork regarding the night’s activities and sometimes have to go to court that morning or go home, try and sleep a bit then go to court. And I’m not complaining, either. I chose to do that job, worked hard and enjoyed it.

    What a baby she is. When I see a video like this, I think we are doomed. Does she think she is the only one to ever had to work long hours?!! Geesh.

  2. I MISS my 1st Full time Job as an HVAC apprentice as a Kid at 19.
    8:AM at the shop to roughly 5 to 6 PM = 8-10 Hrs per day and usually 1/2 to 3/4 day on Saturday.

    At 53, I start anywhere from 7:30 straight from the Driveway already In Truck to 4-6PM and then the evening Paperwork, Invoicing, Quoting, Ordering, & pre-Planning goes from 1.5 to 2.5 Hours 5 days a week Plus 3/4 of a day MINIMUM on the weekend.

    (So 10 to 12 hours per day with a bit of time to BITCH on IOTW per day?)

    Progress, Eh!

  3. Thank you God she’ll never work for the railroad. Waiting 24/7 for a phone call to GO to work. I couldn’t stand to listen to that whine on the locomotive for 12 hours every trip but I am retired now so there’s that.

  4. Aww poor thing. My first job out of college was 3 HOURS EACH WAY and in my “spare” time I worked from home to get ahead in my field. If I wasn’t in the car, I was either working or sleeping. PERIOD. When things got better, my second job was in the city, 10 minute El ride into the office, and again burned the candle at both ends: working or sleeping. I did this for the first 5 years out of college.

  5. No time to shower?
    Expensive to commute?
    Try spending less time and money on that horrible makeup with the fake lashes and pound of eyebrow and eyeliner crap. Those nails are at least $30 every couple of weeks to just fill with new acrylic and polish.
    Selfish, whiny young people like this are why the child birth rate is down among white people. I bet she got everything she ever wanted from her parents.
    They did her no favors.

  6. Welcome to reality sweetie! I worked all my life avering 10 hrs/day with 24Hr or longer stints. One thing that helped was that I really liked what I did… something that I think is crucial to a successful career!

  7. I got to the 0.25 mark and couldn’t take the imp any longer. I hope her employers see who they hired and what a basket case they have on their hands. I’ve worked with her type before. I know what gets spread first. I always called it “F up move up.”

  8. Lady, when I was your age I was working on cars for a living, going to full time college classes, and doing 12 hour overnight shifts 4 days a week of fire/EMS with on-call all the “off” days. There were days I’d sit in a lecture hall jacked on NoDoz and Mountain Dew with people edging away from me because of the smoke smell and idly pick at some dried blood on my arm, contemplating whether it was mine or someone else’s. I’ve rarely worked less than two jobs and I currently live an hour’s drive from work in order to avoid the Blue city toilet dwellers that they used to chase me out of my more convenient previous home so they could house neckbeards and Karens such as yourself in condos built on former urban project sites, and the 60-80 hour work weeks that I’ve been working for decades are now generally necessary to keep up with the inflation that you Democrat voters have arranged for me, which is also why you can’t afford to live in your precious city. I’m guessing your job doesn’t involve washing dishes or scrubbing toilets or picking up body parts on the Interstate, I’ve done all that and more and still found time to date and marry and have a life and family, even now when I’m taking care of two rapidly aging mothers and a wife dealing with issues stemming from her cancer treatments and reconstructions and praying daily that that scourge never shows back up. Guessing too that you have little time for God due to your terrible 8 hour day 5 day a week schedule even though most churches have weekend services, you don’t really say but you really don’t seem like you have God in your life to judge by how being single, healthy, employed, housed, and having a job where you can play dress-up is too stressful for you, maybe you should go spend some time in a church or a synagogue or something and see if God can help you with that. But sure, cry me a river honey, but let me know how you feel about the state you’re in now if you later get robbed or worse on the trains you ride with the noble savages that Democrats have created, or when you can’t pay the rent wherever the hell you live because Democrats have driven up housing prices and destroyed your job with supply chain problems, regulatory strangulation, taxes, EEOC mandates, and probably the return of lockdowns, or if – God Forbid – you one day find a lump in your breast that will REALLY put your period and your life in REAL perspective.

    Woman up. It doesn’t get any easier from here. You can cry about it or learn to deal with it, but only one of those options is going to work for a White woman in the year of our Lord 2023. In the age of Instagram, no one cares about your tears.

    Just be glad you don’t have savages tearing through your neighborhood to drag you out of your house, rape you, kill you, and put your body up on display and perhaps try to ransom your remains after getting a good laugh out of them. Although it could certainly be coming to you here, maybe sooner than you think, again thanks to the sorts of folks you pick on the basis of an MSNBC recommendation. You think you have stress NOW? Wait till the world you voted for comes to full Communistic flower. THEN you’ll see some STRESS. Although maybe not for very long.

    You know, stuff like THIS.


    …now tell me some more about stress.

    Or maybe tell THEM. But be warned, the savagely murdered are hard to impress.

    Now shut your hole and GROW THE HELL UP. We don’t have time for your childhood any more.

  9. When I was her age I had 3 jobs. 1 full time and 2 part time. When I got off my full time it was straight to the other jobs and worked weekends too. All this for maybe $250 a week take home. It was when Mr Carter was in charge. Eventually I lost all 3 jobs thanks to the dems and Carter. Great times.

  10. Hold your infant in an induction room until the drugs make him as limp as a boned fish in your arms, then gently but rapidly hand him off to a masked person you don’t know so they can shove a tube down his throat in preparation for hours of craniofacial surgery. Then, with full knowledge of all the ways that can go wrong, walk back to the surgical waiting room and try to project a confidence you don’t feel so they don’t end up screaming and crying outside like you’re doing inside. Then sit your ass down for the next 6-8 hours with no news.

    Then get back to me about how you can’t handle the stress of a commute.

  11. I wonder what her college degree is in? Mediaeval French poetry? Black Wyman’s Studies?
    And now she can’t find a job as befits her degree, and has to go work out in the real world. Awwwwww……..
    By her age, I was married (one on the way?), had or was working on a 2 yr college degree in electronics, and working.
    Not too soon after, I joined the Army, and found out what it was like to be REALLY busy! Eight hour days? Five day weeks? A big fat HA! (Geoff, I’m with ya there, squid brother)
    So, cry me no tears, whine me no whines.
    Get a REAL education in a useful STEM skill, then work your way into into a better job with decent hours and pay.

  12. When I was in college, for a short time I worked the graveyard shift as a security guard. I would get off at 7:00 AM, drive home, sleep for and hour, then go to school. School and work were 35 miles apart and I lived between them.

    All my classes were in the morning except for a Psychology Class at noon. You know that sensor in your neck that tells you that your head was starting to nod? Well, one day, mine didn’t work. I opened my eyes and found that I was completely bent over and staring at the floor. I popped upright, hoping nobody noticed. Then the instructor, a Phycology instructor straight out of Central Casting complete with goatee, started to chuckle softly to himself, in a way you might expect from a Psychology instructor..

    “I’m sorry for laughing, but someone is falling asleep and looks like he is going to fall out of his chair.”

    Mainlining canine would not have waken me up more that that did.

  13. When you work 12 on and 12 off like I did on board the Kitty Hawk out at sea for extended periods of time you lose all sense of time and don’t know what day of the week it is because it doesn’t matter since they are all the same. And besides where else are you going to go or do when you’re in the middle of the Pacific and Indian oceans. I think the only way I knew what day it was on Sundays when they made the announcement over the ships PA system by the Chaplain that religious services were being held up towards the bow of the ship on the poopdeck. And when we went to full flight ops we were working 16-20 hrs. a day balls to the walls from sunrise to after sunset catching a catnap in the line shack in between when our planes were out on patrol and then coming back later and turning them around to go out again many times a day. One time we worked about 3 weeks straight like that and at the end I had 2 days off to do nothing but catch up on sleeping, we were all totally exhausted after that.

  14. Yeah?
    Try totin bricks 8 hours a day. Then building scaffolds. Then stocking them with bricks and mortar. Then tearing it all down and rebuilding it on the other side of the concrete deck.
    For $2.75 an hour!

    Cry me a river.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. I just love hearing from these lazy idiots how the “Boomers” got everything and left nothing for future generations, then I see something like this.
    They haven’t a leg to stand on.
    I thought Acey-Ducey, that’s not a game, that’s 12 on 12 off seven days a week 30 days or more at a time, was hard. Trying to stay awake staring at a green line going around and around in a dark, stifling radar room,
    then I got married, had kids, a mortgage, yada, yada.
    One full time job, two part time jobs
    What a spoiled little brat.

  16. Who in hell works 9 to 5? It was always 8 to 5 for me, or 7 to 4.

    It sounds like Ho-wood talk to me. 9 to 5 rhymes better than 8 to 5, so that’s what they called the movie and the song. Or, maybe they think the US is France.

    An example of the small brains in the entertainment industry trying to re-engineer reality.

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