Son Of Nashville Police Chief Found Dead After Manhunt – IOTW Report

Son Of Nashville Police Chief Found Dead After Manhunt

Daily Wire: The son of Nashville’s police chief has been found dead after three days on the run in the wake of the shooting of two police officers over the weekend. 

John C. Drake, Jr., 38, the son of Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake, was accused of shooting two police officers in La Vergne, Tennessee, roughly 20 miles southeast of Nashville, on Saturday. On Tuesday night, Drake Jr. was found dead from what authorities say is a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

“After pursuing investigative leads in the search for [Tennessee Bureau of Investigation] Most Wanted suspect John Drake, Jr., authorities responded to a location in the 1400 block of 15th Avenue South in Nashville [Tuesday night],” The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) said. “There, responding officers heard a muffled gunshot from an outbuilding and subsequently found Drake deceased from what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”  more

7 Comments on Son Of Nashville Police Chief Found Dead After Manhunt

  1. There has been a shooting in Lewiston, ME.
    20 dead, about 50 injured.
    The police are being honest and say the guy has had mental health issues and was in the hospital but released. He says he heard voices telling him to shoot up the Nat’l Guard in Saco.
    Instead he attacked a soft target. A bowling alley full of families and attached bar. Bars are “gun free zones” in ME.
    When King Angus, leftwing Sen from ME was Governor, he closed the mental health hospitals that were equipped for long term care and internment.
    This guy would have been in one.
    He is still at large.

  2. beachmom
    THURSDAY, 26 OCTOBER 2023, 8:13 AT 8:13 AM

    They need to make shrinks legally,criminally responsible for the fruit crackers they unleash, and do the same with judges when they let a recidivism out to kill again.

    And hang the politicians who turned the looney bins inside out.

    Until that happens, things will only get worse.

    As intended.

  3. So long as The Party finds these incidents to be useful to advancing their agenda they will not only be allowed to continued, they will provide the means and encouragement. In an environment where this wasn’t/isn’t the case the bastard would have been locked up. It really is as simple as that.

  4. The Sheriff’s family tree has some serious spiritual root rot. It has to be the reason for having such a rotten son.
    Then again, being a law enforcement officer doesn’t guarantee your a good father. Children can be the morality meter to determine how a family is structured – good or bad.


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