Jamaal Bowman(D-NY) charged over false Capitol fire alarm – IOTW Report

Jamaal Bowman(D-NY) charged over false Capitol fire alarm

NYP: Far-left New York Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman was charged with a misdemeanor Wednesday after he pulled a fire alarm last month as the House voted on spending legislation to avoid a partial government shutdown.

Bowman, 47, was due to be booked and processed by Capitol Police Thursday on the charge of raising a false fire alarm, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in prison and a fine of up to $1,000.

He entered into an agreement with DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb to have his charges withdrawn in three months if the congressman issues a formal apology to Capitol Police and pays a $1,000 fine, Bowman’s office told The Post.

In an affidavit filed in Washington, DC, Superior Court on Wednesday, a Capitol Police investigator said Bowman testified that the emergency exit “was a usual door he uses” during votes and “he did not tell anyone” about the infraction until the “Sergeant at Arms contacted him.”

Bowman also denied that he “intended to cause a fire alarm,” “intended to cause a security concern,” or “intended to disrupt or obstruct a Congressional proceeding.” more

18 Comments on Jamaal Bowman(D-NY) charged over false Capitol fire alarm

  1. Why can’t the damn nigga just be honest?
    Why fucking lie to everyone’s face that you were trying to exit the building?
    Video evidence shows that you didn’t go push on the exit doors after triggering the fire alarm.
    Only a sociopath or an 8 year old continues to bullshit when caught dead to rights.

    OK, I suppose that or any fucking democrat or OJ fucking Simpson.

    I guess the race card beholds the right to lie to all your voters because they don’t expect any more from a black low IQ bald-headed, diabetes-ridden, Colt 45 drinking, corn munching fat fuck…

  2. welcome to the continuing adventures of our new United States Justice System!
    … where your political connections are much more important than your crime

    President Donald J. Trump (or you or me) would be punished to the fullest extent of the ‘Law’, while this human turd will be given a slap on the wrist

    or, in the immortal words of Cheech & Chong … “Bailiff, smack his pee pee”

    I absolutely loath these usurpers .. our system is for ‘We, the People”
    not, ‘you, the ‘rulers’ … gfy. you pretentious pricks

  3. But as a house negro he is useful to the Democrat plantation. He parrots all of their talking points, he votes the way he is supposed to, and when called upon he yells “Racism”whenever the bosses tell him to.

    I am surprised that, as a condition of his light sentence, that he is not required to be honest and admit his guilt. Just another example of how our justice system treats black people.

  4. They are flaunting their “Us vs. Them” hatred of America and Americans.
    They are declaring themselves above the “law” and daring We, the People, to do anything about it.

    J-6 people are rotting in jail for much less than what this traitorous maggot did.

    With malice aforethought – fully intentionally – and is given a pass.
    AND is the hero of the Nazi/Stalinist/Demonrats.

    We are a sad nation, indeed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I apologize to the Capitol police that I am a successful, powerful Black man and that is triggering to racists such as they are. I am sorry that they are unable to overcome their hatred of my race and unable to understand that what I did was crying out for justice in the only voice that racists like them cannot take away for people of color like myself. I am deeply disappointed in that I haven’t yet been able to teach them that BIPOCs such as myself are not to be trifled with by the likes of them, and I promise to make every effort to educate them in the error of their ways in future.

    I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience this has caused me.

    I will be making a mailer to collect the fine from White people in my district in the sacred name of Equity. Due to my policies most of them are poor however, so there may be some delay until those IRS agents in Collections are properly armed. I will happily extract any resultant late fines from them as a result as well, provided it goes into a fund to help poor Black Congressmen such as myself who have suffered so much at the hands of White Supremacy.

    May you be forever accursed by Black Jeebus for daring to hinder my sacred mission,

    Jamaal Bowman

  6. Loco – Aside from being a low IQ, bald-headed, diabetes-ridden, Colt 45 drinking, corn munching fat fuck… he’s also a member of the nation’s largest Liars Club where lying is not only a knee-jerk reaction, it is a democRAT obligation!


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