Suspect in Lewiston Maine Mass Shooting, Found Dead – IOTW Report

Suspect in Lewiston Maine Mass Shooting, Found Dead

Robert Card, the man wanted for the deadly mass shooting that resulted in 18 tragic deaths and left 13 others injured, has been found dead. Maine Dept of Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck confirmed during the press conference that Card died with “an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.”

27 Comments on Suspect in Lewiston Maine Mass Shooting, Found Dead

  1. This ass-wipe supposedly left behind a letter. Dude doesn’t appear to have been a trannie, an islamist, or any other protected class, so I wonder if they’ll release the contents or keep it under wraps forever, just like a certain manifesto.

  2. How come he didn’t chose to do that Wednesday afternoon before killing all those innocent people?
    I read somewhere that his family said he began hearing voices after he recently purchased some high tech hearing aides. Makes me wonder…

  3. A perfectly timed White guy who was trained by the government, heard evil voices after getting hearing aids and then was cleared by government shrinks before using the most vilified gun by the government to shoot people just as an international massacre makes the importance of self-defense manifest AND a pro-2A Speaker ascends the chair suddenly turns up conveniently dead after an investigation and manhunt led by Garland’s FBI?

    Nope, nothing suspicious HERE, just surrender your guns and move along…

  4. So now they can suppress all the evidence, hide his progressive manifesto, and we’ll never know why he did it or even if he is really dead. Convenient.

    They didn’t do that with Bonnie and Clyde or John Dillinger. 🤔

  5. Heatsync
    SATURDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2023, 9:17 AT 9:17 AM
    “This ass-wipe supposedly left behind a letter.”

    We have it. We’re just in the process of deciding what it needs to say.

    Also, we’re filling out h8s death certificate now. We haven’t quite decided whether to say it was a suicide or he died trying to escape.

  6. Here’s something to add to the “sketchy stuff” list. The Liberty Daily is reporting that UK’s The Daily Mail briefly reported that Card’s body was found with TWO gunshot wounds to the head, but changed the article 27 minutes later to SINGLE head wound. The Liberty Daily found no trace of the original article for which they have a screen shot.

    It’s a sad thing when The Daily Mail is more credible than the US govt but that’s been the case for a long time.

  7. US Army Promotes Nutjob to Firearms Instructor. Yeah…..No. His sister was “Shocked” when first told of the news. This guy wasn’t cra-cra. I wish he had been taken alive so that he could’ve told his story (if that would’ve even been possible). We can’t be sure who fired that ended him.

  8. T██████ ████ ██████ru██████m ███ █████
    p is ██████ my █████. He ███r o██████

  9. from the same kind of gubmint assholes who determined that a fatal head wound delivered from 6-8″ behind rfk’s right ear came from someone standing 3′ in front of him

  10. … and his hands were shackled behind his back at the time of his suicide – which explains how he shot himself in the back of the head twice … and he was in the trunk of his FBI handler’s car …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. ” heard evil voices after getting hearing aids”

    Funny thing about that. After I got hearing aids, I started hearing evil voices also. Obola, xiden, Hillary, AOC, Pelousy. Need I continue? It’s a really long list.

  12. Good job law enforcement, you managed to find his body after he took himself out. Congrats.

    Now let the cries to ban “assault rifles” begin. They still don’t kill more humans than Planned Parenthood does.


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