The One Where Matthew Perry beat up a young Justin Trudeau – IOTW Report

The One Where Matthew Perry beat up a young Justin Trudeau

Why the beating happened.

Perry’s mom was Pierre Trudeau’s Press Secretary.

13 Comments on The One Where Matthew Perry beat up a young Justin Trudeau

  1. gotta give little Fidel props on this one: “”I have been giving it some thought, and you know what, who hasn’t wanted to punch Chandler?”

    … who hasn’t, indeed! every time I watched that insipidly banal show (both times!) I’ve always wanted punch them all in the face … including the female cast!

  2. Brad,

    This was an OLD story and I read it Exactly as you did. 2 Older assholes at a fancy prep school picking on another asshole.

    And NO.

    There are very few men in the Cities.

  3. Friends is a cheap inferior rip off of Seinfeld. Street artist Sabo says that he had some encounters with Perry in LA and he was always a douche. His enthusiasm for clot shots got him. He claimed to have come to faith in Christ recently so let’s hope he availed himself of some really amazing grace. Castreau is in cahoots with the forces of antichrist like his daddy so flame on to that loser.


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