George Soros’ foundations doled out millions to groups behind anti-Israel protests, rhetoric – IOTW Report

George Soros’ foundations doled out millions to groups behind anti-Israel protests, rhetoric

JTN: Before the Israel-Hamas war began, a nonprofit called Adalah—The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel routinely released reports and filed petitions in the Israeli Supreme Court accusing the government of serious misconduct.

One report alleged Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration was “instituting racial segregation” and engaging in “Judaization” through its housing policy. Another claimed that Israeli police forced had “total impunity” to kill Palestinians. A third unsuccessfully argued that Israel should lift its travel ban on a Palestinian sheikh previously arrested in 2003 over allegations of raising millions for Hamas. He entered a plea agreement which banned foreign travel and requires monthly check-ins. Most recently, he spent 16 months in prison after being convicted of “inciting to terror.”

Over the years, the Palestine-based group had a solid backer across the ocean in America: liberal megadonor George Soros’ massive nonprofit in New York. more

30 Comments on George Soros’ foundations doled out millions to groups behind anti-Israel protests, rhetoric

  1. I don’t know why it should surprise anyone that bad people do bad things and fund causes antithetical to God, his people, and the teachings of Christianity. The fight between good and evil is as old as, well, The Bible.

    And Soros is not the greatest offender, although arguably the most destructive, with his assault on the criminal justice system and funding of anarchist organizations like BLM and ANTIFA. But the WHO, The World Bank, the WEF, and the entire Democratic Party with its anarcho-tyranny tactics, open borders allowing every manner of criminal and terrorists to stream across, its antipathy for proper fiduciary management of our tax dollars, its assault on our civil liberties, and its truly diabolical effort to indoctrinate our youth, Soros has company on the Mount Rushmore of evil provocateurs.

    “10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ”

    Ephesians 6:10-12

  2. Ed357 Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 10:58 at 10:58 am


    Wasn’t he a Jewish nazi concentration camp guard….????

    Did his seed money (wealth) come from the nazis….????

    According to wiki, he was born in a Jewish home, and is a practicing atheist. When you’re dealing with an atheist, you are dealing with evil. He likes to brag about that fact.

  3. “Wasn’t he a Jewish nazi concentration camp guard….????”

    Much worse than that. The chicken shit was a Nazi Informer on the entire Jewish community. He’s killed countless Jews.

    “Did his seed money (wealth) come from the nazis….????”
    Yes, they paid him well for it. Why is he still breathing?

  4. “Born 8/12/1930, so that would of made him 11 to 15 years old. Sure a fucking kid killed millions you fucking moron. God your one stupid mfer.”

    It’s well documented Mr Anon Mother Fucking Coward. Yes, as a teenager, and a young man, this asshole informed on his community as to the whereabouts of Jews in hiding. Ultimately responsible for the death of those Jews. What kills me is you took the time to research his age, why didn’t you take the extra five minutes a research what I said? You’re a coward and a lousy critic. Fuck off asshole.

    By the way you will find Soros refers to himself as an Antisemitic Jew. Says he hates them. Sounds like he hates everyone.

  5. Anonymous @ 2:58pm

    It was also on 60 minutes YEARS AGO where SOROS admitted it.

    He turned in his own people for chocolate bars & said he would do it again. Probably just like you would!

  6. ^^^^^ Actually his immediate family was able to avoid being identified as Jews towards the end of the war. They were taken in by Soros’s father employer, the way I understand it. Soros’s fathers employer had a contract with the NAZI’s evaluating and confiscating the estates of wealthy Jews that had either been sent to concentration camps or eliminated. Things get sketchy there but it surmised some how or other the Soros family was able to get their hands on and retain a lot of that wealth.

    Anonymous, your an idiot and way over your limited mental capacity. I no longer want to live here even rent free. The place is a dump.

  7. pianamusic

    So what would you do? I resent your implication. Would you just ignore that bull shit? Obviously he has issues with me. You better fucking answer me because I’ll hit you up every time you post. So tired of weak sisters. Answer me

  8. pianamusic

    But you pass judgement like a pro, right? Would you take that shit from an Anon? And mean while condemn me? For a bunch of people taht are suppose to be on the same side I gotta tell you, Im sick of this shit. You can’t defend yourself here, you might up set the guy that can’t spell piano. WTF? With no consideration to the validity of the argument. I need another answer on this, I’m not fucking hardly joking.

  9. OMG, Bradweena’s panties are in a wad! No, Panamusic is not ME!. I started this with a simple fact check. Being Soros is Jewish, I have a hard time believing he would EVER fund Fuckhead/Towelhead Muslims. I give 2 shits WTF Soros father did! I kinda understand Far right-wingers are upset. But I do remember 1.5 -2 years ago, Teflon Don he’s untouchable, well that sure changed, ya think. Back to current events Jackas Johnson won’t last as Speaker, cause he is just a lil bitch.


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