Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths

GP: On a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the celebrated CEO of Tesla and owner of social media platform X/Twitter, Elon Musk, made a bold assertion. He suggested that bacterial lung infections in patients on ventilators might have led to more deaths than the COVID-19 virus itself.

During this conversation, Joe Rogan pointed out, “Well, 80% of the people they put on ventilators died.”

Rogan’s reference could be traced back to data by Dr. Joseph Mercola, according to Epoch Times. According to this data, a staggering 76.4 percent of COVID-19 patients aged 18 to 65 in New York City who were administered ventilators did not survive. Moreover, the percentage shot up to 97.2 for those aged above 65.

Musk then chimed in with a revelation that he had actually been in touch with doctors from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak. He shared that the physicians admitted to an over-reliance on intubated ventilators during the initial wave of the pandemic, which may have been a grave error leading to more harm than the disease they aimed to combat. more

20 Comments on Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths

  1. People died of pneumonia brought on by the ventilators.

    And then they finally figured out that supplemental oxygen, an antihistamine inhaler, a steroid and pneumonia-killing antibiotic would have saved almost all of those patients right from the start.

    The medical world’s credibility is still suffering because of it. And now, it’s all ‘corporate medicine.’ I hate it.

  2. He’s not wrong. Once you get put on a ventilator, your muscles instantly atrophy and it’s very difficult to go back to breathing on your own. Plus those machines are always a cause of pneumonia.

  3. I have said this in many posts here and elsewhere. I got a call from the hospital early 2022, where my dad had been for a week. He was up to 100% on oxygen and the next step was intubation. They gave him a 1% chance of survival. I told them absolutely not on the intubation. Next day he called me from his hospital bed, sounded like crap but he was alive! He passed 10 months later but was able to enjoy seeing his kids one more time.

  4. I did a search for “did hospitals profit from Covid19” and found this answer from a surprising source: USA Today (note the part where payments were tripled for vent patients)

    Our ruling: True
    We rate the claim that hospitals get paid more if patients are listed as COVID-19 and on ventilators as TRUE.

    Hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or if it’s considered presumed they have COVID-19 absent a laboratory-confirmed test, and three times more if the patients are placed on a ventilator to cover the cost of care and loss of business resulting from a shift in focus to treat COVID-19 cases.

    This higher allocation of funds has been made possible under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act through a Medicare 20% add-on to its regular payment for COVID-19 patients, as verified by USA TODAY through the American Hospital Association Special Bulletin on the topic.

  5. Knew a 50 yr old that was always healthy dude and in shape. Got covid that summer and was put on a vent and never came out of it and died.
    THere is risk to being put on a vent no matter the situation.

  6. That one sentence statement contains more truth in it that everything that came out of any “official” and current thing message approved source regarding Covid combined

  7. so many needless losses, so much random death, all in service of stealing an election and no other reason.

    we have all has losses of family and friends to this murderous political operation, myself included. I have detailed here at times the deaths I could not prevent, the age inappropriate agonies that have been suffered even by those that could be reached, even my own totally avoidable extended agony because the governor of my state told my doctor he was not allowed to repair my knee for a year because of irrational fear. This and more have I detailed here, as have others, but I think there’s one that I haven’t. Not a huge loss to the world perhaps, not even technically to me as he wasn’t related at all or anything, just an old repentant sinner marking out his days with his elderly wife, but he was dear to me and my family as he was to many others as a friend, a mentor, and a brother in Christ.

    And they killed him early on with a ventilator. we told his wife don’t let them, but she was scared and bullied by the medical establishment and did what they insisted on doing because of their murderous protocols.

    First one lung.
    Then the other.

    And they wouldn’t even let his wife in to hold his hand as he died an agonizing death in full view of her through a window his tormentors insisted stay between them to keep the fear high and the control at maximum.

    They killed him before her, and many others besides, without comfort, without compassion, without mercy, without even so much as an apology.

    And then humiliated his corpse by severely restricting the way his family and friends could say goodbye to him.

    Because of a lie.

    And from my perspective, that isn’t even the worst part.

    The worst part, for me alone, is that I will never see him again, speak to him again, hear his jokes and profit spiritually by his counsel. He was no minister but he was filled with the Spirit and never had anything but praise for Him, even unto death. I am confident that he is in heaven even today, cracking wise with the Lord Himself.

    And that is why I fear I will never see him again.

    …the Bible teaches us that all have sinned, and that all need forgiveness. It further teaches that forgiveness from the Lord is not possible if WE cannot forgive.

    And there is no forgiveness in me for them, for this and many other reasons, for things I’ve seen, things I’ve had to deal with, things they’ve done to all of us and to me in a ceaseless, vicious, ruthless quest for temporal power by people who won’t even live that much longer.

    And so, after destroying before my eyes the institutions of Medicine and Justice, the Military and Law Enforcement, killing the elderly more effectively than any Nazi could and murdering more babies and children even to this day than raging Islamists ever could, they also wrecked religion, destroying the ability of some to gather and proving most ministers to not believe the words they speak on Sunday by banning congregation in violation of the Word and even doing baptism by squirt gun, where both priest and parents engage in pointless ritual since everyone but the baby clearly believes the poison of Man is more powerful than the protection of the Lord.

    No, that wasn’t enough.

    They had to take away my ability to forgive too, thus damning myself to the same hell they will go to.

    I go, and I pray, but the Lord has not seen fit to show me how to go forward with Him, in this and many others. He still speaks to me and helps me, gives me prayers for others and healing for my family, but on some things He has not chosen to reveal Himself to me about, and that makes me think I will ultimately be lost for my anger is too great.

    And for that may He damn them as well. Damn them all to hell.

    Where I will most likely meet them personally and perhaps we can fight there forever.

    Because I cannot forgive.

  8. I know of a person, let’s call him Adam, who passed out and his sister called 911 because she couldn’t revive him. He woke just as the ambulance arrived. They checked him over, O2 was 85 and BP was 91/58. He wasn’t able to stand on his own, so they took him to the hospital.

    This was in the summer of 2020, so they wouldn’t let his sister in the room, or even in the hospital. She had to wait in the car for them to call her.

    They put him on O2 and tested for covid, of course it was positive. ZERO symptoms. Put him in the covid section and started him on the first dose of Remdesivir. Later that day, he felt fine. Wanted to go home but they said no. No one there to be his support.

    The next day, housekeeping dropped off clean bedding (they couldn’t stay to change the bedding), so he got up, dressed himself, changed the bedding and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the covid doctor to get there so he could go home. He said he was going to leave whether or not they allowed him to.

    A different covid doctor came in and the first thing he said was, “You don’t have covid. You can go home.” So he called his sister and left.

    Went to his family doctor and was told that his BP medicine needed to be lowered as THAT was the reason he passed out.

    Here is the reason I’m relaying this story to you. He found out that the hospital was paid $45,000 for his admission due to covid. He believes, and I agree, that they lied about the positive test.

    I’ve worked in the medical industry for 30 years, ’76-’96. I am disgusted at what it’s become.

  9. My understanding is that forcing oxygen into a patient by a ventilator was equivalent to pouring gasoline on a fire. If they were putting someone on a ventilator, you could count on that person dying.

  10. Officals demaning that we, our Doctors and hospitals could only use their untrained medical guidlines and treatments, despite our wishes, was the major cause of the murders! Lets get the cross hairs on the real problem, Musk is a narror minded chicken chit, afraid of a dust up.

  11. NOT ventilators, but WILLFUL MURDER AND MALPRACTICE. Those machines DID NOT ACT ON THEIR OWN. There are real human beings that MUST be charged, tried, and SENTENCED for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

  12. Heatsync
    FRIDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2023, 11:27 AT 11:27 AM
    “My understanding is that forcing oxygen into a patient by a ventilator was equivalent to pouring gasoline on a fire. If they were putting someone on a ventilator, you could count on that person dying.”

    It is situational and if you’ve ever had any type of general anesthesia you WERE on a ventilator, but it gets more complicated with “wet lung” diseases such as pneumonia. Oversimplified, air is compressible but liquids are not. Oxygen cannot pass into the bloodstream in a fluid-filled lung, so O2 saturation goes down. If your ONLY guide is blood oxygen levels and the ONLY thing you do as they fall is jack up the ventilator to ram more air in, you WILL push that fluid into already weakened from disease and atrophy lung structures, and you WILL blow the weakest lung out first. This could even be an automated process as there were some very sketchy ventilators being made by people who don’t normally make appliances for use in human bodies that came online early on, but once you blow one lung (especially if unwitnessed/folks are slow to respond to alarms or telemetry), the pleural space AROUND the lung will fill with air and blood, shoving everything over onto the uncollapsed side so hard it can actually drive your windpipe out of line. This is called a pnemo- or hemo- thorax depending on if it’s blood or air (or a tension pmemohemothorax, meaning it’s both and its pushing everything over), and this will make it impossible for the OTHER lung to inflate unless a chest tube or other intervention relieves the air/blood in the blowout side. Needless to say this further weakens the remaining lung and airway structures and likely causes further bleeding, so THAT lung even if relieved is all that’s left to try to make up the oxygen intake, so an idiot may jack the ventilator up AGAIN and blow the OTHER one out as well.

    After that, it doesn’t matter what you do with ventilators and how much oxygen is available.

    You are dead.

    …again, this is way oversimplified, there ARE other things that can happen and other ways things can be done, and other reasons for lung failure; but, while ventilators are NOT malum in se and DO have a vital life-saving function, if they are NOT used properly or are used in situations where they are not warranted or even contraindicated (as they certainly were at the hight of Coof fear), they WILL kill a person that may otherwise have been able to survive.

    As someone said above, it isn’t the ventilator, it’s the person who’s using it.

    And an awful lot of people misused it.

  13. Claudia
    FRIDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2023, 10:49 AT 10:49 AM

    “I’ve worked in the medical industry for 30 years, ’76-’96. I am disgusted at what it’s become.”

    …you and me both, Lady C, you and me both.


    With every level.

  14. Well as others have said, I knew this within the first week.

    I seriously doubt Covid killed anyone, hospitals killed the majority and those they didn’t kill it’s just like the flu the elderly, very young and those with other diseases, develop secondary infections, usually pneumonia that kills them.


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