Son of Hamas Leader: Hamas Is ‘Nazi Group,’ Israel ‘Not Responsible’ for Civilian Fatalities in Northern Gaza – IOTW Report

Son of Hamas Leader: Hamas Is ‘Nazi Group,’ Israel ‘Not Responsible’ for Civilian Fatalities in Northern Gaza

Breitbart: Appearing Thursday on NewsNation’s Cuomo, Mosab Hassan Yousef, a son of one of the co-founders of Hamas, referred to the Palestinian terror organization as a “Nazi group” and said Israel is “not responsible” for civilian deaths in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. watch

8 Comments on Son of Hamas Leader: Hamas Is ‘Nazi Group,’ Israel ‘Not Responsible’ for Civilian Fatalities in Northern Gaza

  1. Hard to believe that a son of a terrorist would speak a truth about anything, much less the truth about the Nazism of Hamas and the innocence of Israel.

    What is his ulterior motive?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. ” Israel is “not responsible” for civilian deaths in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. ”

    I have to agree with this. The muslim population that is not Hamas supports them. They teach their children to hate Jews and that it would be a great honor to strap on a bomb vest to kill or maim a couple of Jews. Islam has never been a religion of peace. It is a religion of hatred, torture, slavery, murder, and rape. The only cure is extermination.

  3. This man is one of the most heroic people I’ve ever seen. I’ve been listening to his presentations over the past week or so, and it is obvious he has been fighting on the side of righteousness for a long time. He is unafraid for the considerable danger to his own life in doing so.

    But he is only here at this time for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

    The truth about Hamas that he shares is so foreign to legacy media types that they seem to have only 2 reactions: lost and can’t keep up (because they’ve never heard the history), and their knee-jerk defense of “what many have said”.

    I pity Mosab having to experience the frustration over and over again while explaining the basic truth of Hamas; a subject he knows better than those who want to argue with him.

  4. ….Mosab Hussan Yousef is a Christian who is a perfect example of what it means to sacrifice everything in order to live according God’s plan. I feel ashamed comparing my paltry covenant effort against his.

  5. …One of the most satisfying and, yet, frustrating interviews Mosab has done was a recent one with Piers Morgan. After Morgan was forcefully confronted, he switched tactics and ended the interview by trying to make Mosab look like an emotionally unstable man. All because the likes of Morgan cannot countenance the truth.

  6. Many people who have left dictatorships or terrorist countries have testified before our congress warning about the danger to our freedom. It all falls on deaf ears while the bumbling fools play stupid games with our country.

  7. God bless him.

    I guess the constant barrage of bullshit from public people has made me cynical – such that when an honorable, and honest, one comes along I miss it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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