Target CEO Says Its Customers Are Cutting Back on Buying Food, Beverages, and Toys – IOTW Report

Target CEO Says Its Customers Are Cutting Back on Buying Food, Beverages, and Toys

Breitbart: U.S. households are managing their budgets very carefully tightening up their spending—including on groceries, Target chief executive Brian Cornell said in an interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick.

“They’re buying less stuff, even within food and beverage,” Cornell said.

Retail spending has increased over the past year. Retail spending at general merchandise stores is up two percent over the past year, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. Spending at grocery stores has increased 1.6 percent—but prices have increased by even more, rising 2.4 percent from a year ago.

“When you look at overall retail spending—just look at the top line—a really healthy consumer. And they are spending. But even in food and beverage categories, over the last few quarters, the units, the number of items they’re buying, has been declining,” Cornell said. more

26 Comments on Target CEO Says Its Customers Are Cutting Back on Buying Food, Beverages, and Toys

  1. Bullshit….nobody wants to go into a store that supports homosexuality, and men in the woman’s bathroom. And don’t forget, target is the store that carries bathing suits for kids to hide their penises in some kind of a fold. To hell with target,I’ll never enter their store.

  2. We used to shop Target. Their towels were first rate quality. We quit when a man calling himself a woman was taking pictures of little girls in bathroom stalls. The employees did nothing. It was customers who chased the freak and called the police.

  3. ^^^^My 6 o’clock news also says this is going to be a record holiday season. Avg credit card debt $7k. Food up 25%+. Price of gas, layoffs, property taxes due, housing prices collapsing. But they know best.

  4. This is Obama’s third term – and Obama’s goal has been to impoverish the United States. How the fuck did every not see this piece of shit’s bigger goal? Answer: liberals, communists and corrupt GOP hacks all enabled him.

  5. Target CEO Says Its Customers Are Cutting Back on Buying Food, Beverages, and Toys

    Where ya been Mr Target CEO? People don’t like your wokeness and have been boycotting your stores for quite some time now. I haven’t been in a Target in years.

  6. You sow what you reaped. Yeah. Prices are up, groceries are up. Everything is up. Where I choose to spend my dollars is my choice, and Target ain’t the place where are hard earned monies will wind up. Go woke, go broke. You fkrs never figure it out.

  7. When riots were happening, seemed like Target was always on tv. Target stores have one entrance and no windows. They didn’t work to prevent the crazy scenes of robberies. Then they asked the government to help them with the staggering damage and thief. Get woke, go broke. Restroom and dressing rooms for all, crazy merchandise, poor quality. I’m done with Target after decades of shopping there.

  8. When riots were happening, seemed like Target was always on tv. Target stores have one entrance and no windows. They didn’t work to prevent the crazy scenes of robberies. Then they asked the government to help them with the staggering damage and thief. Get woke, go broke. Restroom and dressing rooms for all, crazy merchandise, poor quality. I’m done with Target after decades of shopping there.

  9. When riots were happening, seemed like Target was always on tv. Target stores have one entrance and no windows. They didn’t work to prevent the crazy scenes of robberies. Then they asked the government to help them with the staggering damage and thief. Get woke, go broke. Restroom and dressing rooms for all, crazy merchandise, poor quality. I’m done with Target after decades of shopping there.

  10. When I moved to Knoxville TN 9 years ago I was gobsmacked by the number of restaurants compared to IL.

    Small independently owned estaurants are closing. Sure, some of them are following the typical pattern of less than 2 years. But a local barbecue chain that’s been a fixture for over 30 years just closed suddenly. People can’t afford to eat out as much even in a fair tax state. People can’t afford to operate businesses independentlyanymore, not without being subsidized by the gubmint for promoting their messages.


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