Nikki Haley’s Troubling Land Giveaway to CCP-Connected Company – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley’s Troubling Land Giveaway to CCP-Connected Company

PJM: Former U.S. ambassador and presidential candidate Nikki Haley has been warning about China, calling it part of the “New Axis of Evil” and tweeting that the U.S. should “end normal trade relations with Communist China until it stops killing Americans with fentanyl.” 

In another tweet, she said, “We are living through the most dangerous period in our lifetimes. It feels like Jimmy Carter’s 1970s. But the better comparison might be the 1930s. There’s war in Europe. There’s war in the Middle East. Communism is on the march – not in the Soviet Union, but in China.” 

That’s all fine and good, but her campaign trail rhetoric doesn’t match her record as governor of South Carolina. During her tenure, South Carolina sold and gave away hundreds of acres of real estate to Chinese investors.  more

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