Rubio Demands End to ‘Stupid’ Daylight Savings Time – IOTW Report

Rubio Demands End to ‘Stupid’ Daylight Savings Time

National Pulse

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has voiced his support for ending the biannual tradition of adjusting clocks by proposing the Sunshine Protection Act. In an op-ed published in USA Today on Friday, Rubio cites the American public’s overwhelming preference for ceasing these spring and autumn time changes. The Florida Senator also pointed out that the U.S. Senate had shown unanimous support in spring 2022 towards ending this “pointless tradition” amid an era marked by partisan division and gridlock. more

30 Comments on Rubio Demands End to ‘Stupid’ Daylight Savings Time

  1. Yet another failure from the horrible Progressive Era of the late 1800s/early 1900s. Add it to the income tax, Federal Reserve, alcohol prohibition, direct election of US Senators and all the other things that continue to destroy our nation.

  2. It’s nicer for kids who have to get on a bus at 7AM or earlier, so many parents can have childcare. Originally started so farm people had more daylight during AM chores that had to be done like milking, feeding and watering, etc. We’re getting back to that with more “hobby” farms all the time here in midwest. Savings time is only temporary

  3. I know I have said this before. It is a case of “be careful what you wish for.”

    After the oil embargo of 1973, the government activated Daylight Saving Time in early January. Surprise, surprise — kids were going to school in the dark as far south as the San Francisco Bay Area that I know of. You want to screw with peoples body clocks? Have them wake up and begin their day in the dark.

    There is an saying that goes something like this: You have to be pretty stupid to think that if you cut a foot off one end of a blanket and sew it on the the other end that you have a longer blanket.

    I’m not saying that year-round daylight saving is necessarily a bad idea. It’s just that I doubt many people have thought about the ramifications of it.

  4. No.
    If you really want to eliminate it, tell me so on either solstice. Actually on both solstices. You don’t want the sun coming up at 4 am in the summer, and you don’t want it coming up at 8:30 am or later in the winter.

  5. As for Dee and Radio Matt’s concerns, they arent really valid. Time is just a number. Nothing in Talmudic scripts demands that kids go to school at 7 a.m., and again up north, the school day start is staggered, with the elementary kids going at 9:00-9:30 a.m. so how does that support working parents? Even banker’s hours start at 9 a.m.

    Get rid of DST! It just foists an hour of jet lag onto people without the benefit of little umbrella drinks. Circadian Rythm disruption for everyone!

  6. Getting up in the dark…
    Going to bed in the light…

    How do you think Alaskans feel? They’re either wearing head lamps for 6 months or wearing blindfolds for the other six just to fall asleep!

    I vote for UTC. 🤣

  7. Ask anyone ever stationed in Iceland if the sun coming and going effects kids, learning, or farming. Alaska too, don’t forget northern Europe. They seem to be doing just fine. Forget about DST.

  8. Daylight saving time was first introduced in the United States in 1918 under the Standard Time Act as a measure to save on fuel costs during the First World War by adding an extra hour of sunlight to the day, according to the Library of Congress.

  9. How pray tell do you save daylight? Is there some kind of special celestial bank where daylight can be redeemed and saved. I liked it better when we were on standard time back in the 60’s and the Sun was up at 4 AM or a little earlier in the Summer. Of course, I am a morning person which I got from my farmer grandfather who was always up at the crack of dawn.

  10. @dee:

    Originally started so farm people had more daylight during AM chores that had to be done like milking, feeding and watering, etc.

    You are mistaken. If you look up and read the public discussions/debates at the time, you’ll find that farmers were mostly against the clock changes.

  11. when do they tell you to change the clocks?
    just before election day and then change it again just before tax day.
    any questions as to why the government doesn’t eliminate it?

  12. Sippin’coffee: so let’s start school at 10 AM, and people can start work then, too. Then at the end of the day they have no more daylight than they would if we just left it at standard time. What has been accomplished?

  13. Florida already passed year round daylight saving time bill which was signed by then Governor Rick Scott (now Senator), All it took was approval at the national level. Nothing happened in DC.
    US Senate also passed similar bill. Nothing happened.
    I wonder if they had passed a standard time year round (similar to Arizona) if it would’ve been finalized.

    Even back in 1973, President Nixon included year round DST along with the 55 MPH speed limits. People cried about little children being killed while waiting for the morning school buses.

  14. When told the reason for Daylight Saving Time, the Old Indian said,
    “Only the government would believe that you can cut a foot off the top
    of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and get a longer blanket.”

    Real wisdom there.

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