Afghanistan Has Received $11 Billion in Aid from U.S. Since Withdrawal – IOTW Report

Afghanistan Has Received $11 Billion in Aid from U.S. Since Withdrawal

FCS: A new watchdog report reveals that the country of Afghanistan has received a staggering $11 billion in foreign aid from the United States since the country’s collapse in August of 2021.

As Breitbart reports, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), John Sopko, issued his report on Monday. Sopko says that the U.S. and its allies have been sending “cash shipments” of about $80 million to Afghanistan “every 10-14 days” since the Taliban took over the country shortly before the withdrawal of all American forces. more

16 Comments on Afghanistan Has Received $11 Billion in Aid from U.S. Since Withdrawal

  1. WTF


    Enough already. There is no legitimate and constructive use for that money. Do tjey think magically that a mature Western egalitarian democratic structure will emerge from the dung heap of 7th century savagery?

  2. Keep in mind that Jackass Joe gifted the Taliban 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M4 and M16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers… and has to give them 11 BILLION on top of that?!?! Yet this is the same flaming asshole who wants US to give up our guns!! Who’s the real enemy here?

  3. Every day I awaken to some new hairbrained insanity coming out of the Biden administration. Who is really making these senseless decisions? Where is the money really ending up? No doubt much of it ends up in corrupt politician’s pockets It’s difficult to comprehend just how much money Biden’s group has thrown away or stolen in the last three years. And not a dime has been used for American citizens, infrastructure or problems that exist in our country. Mind boggling!

  4. “ArtIII.S3.C1.4 Aid and Comfort to the Enemy as Treason
    Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

  5. Time to go into these countries we have liberated or lost American lives in and take back what we have given to them. Use that to pay off our national debt. Like 3 times over if not more.

  6. Fucking professional politicians. It’s all they know. Their mommies had to give other kids money to pretend to be their friend growing up. What do you expect from the assholes?

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