A concealed carry holder in California… – IOTW Report

12 Comments on A concealed carry holder in California…

  1. I am visiting my old home town of Santa Monica. A friend who is a fellow conservative and a real firebrand did a ride-along with Santa Monica PD a couple of days ago. She said that she was in a lot of chases, nearly all of which ended as soon as the perp hit the city boundary. And they don’t bother to notify Los Angeles PD unless they witness an actual murder. Insane. No goal of actually reducing crime.

  2. Burglar? Rushing up behind someone with a drawn pistol would be armed robbery in most quadrants of the galaxy. But, I guess this was planet California.

    I have to concur, more range time needed. Those bullets should’ve been backstopped by the perp and his pals.

  3. Our elected officals seem to have lots of security that we the tax payers pay for, but when we try to protect our families they put up every road block they can dream up. BS

  4. This is a great example of why you gotta do your reps. Pulling on a drawn gun is not recommended for insuring a happy long life. But clearly he had two good reasons. I bet this guy looks pretty damn good at the range. But when you can barely breath, when your vision has just turned into two tunnels and everything seems to be moving in slow motion due to the massive surge of adrenaline that’s just taken over your nervous system you will revert back to you lowest common denominator. Gotta get that muscle memory thing going.
    On the flip side of this, about 40 years ago the CHP and other LE were chasing some bank robbers around Sacramento. The bad guys were trying to get out of town. Headed west on I-80 towards Davis. There’s about a 3 mile long Causeway between the two cities and they decided they’d stop them there. Which they did. The cops were severely out gunned. As I remember the bad guys had a few Auto’s. Anyway a bunch of cops lost their lives there that day. When they did the forensics they found empties in all the cops pockets. Wheel guns back then. So when the cops reloaded and dumped their brass they’d pick up the empties and put them in their pockets. Why? Because that’s what the did at the range. I’ve had trainers get pissed at me for not dropping my nice clean mags in the dirt. They also offer duress classes which in my opinion are well worth the money. You’ll learn a lot about actual gun fighting.
    Train like you fight as they say.


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