The BIGGEST story in the world just broke and our legacy media is silent – IOTW Report

The BIGGEST story in the world just broke and our legacy media is silent

Revolver: The “ten percent for the big guy” quip has transitioned from being an internet meme to something much more real. New developments show there is solid evidence surrounding the Biden Boys criminal network. A recent bombshell exposé by the Washington Examiner, which should be the number one story in the world, will likely be downplayed, ignored, or perhaps labeled “Russian disinformation” by our legacy media.

The story here is that the Biden Boys were entangled in some sketchy business ventures with Chinese communists. The kicker is that now there’s proof that Joe wasn’t merely on the sidelines; he was actively participating in meetings and negotiations. Moreover, evidence has surfaced showing that he received payments from his son Hunter and his brother James, all linked to these Chinese business dealings. more

14 Comments on The BIGGEST story in the world just broke and our legacy media is silent

  1. This has been, well lets call it unconfirmed common knowledge, for a while. WRSA has done a pretty good job covering this. So here’s a question, isn’t Bushie Ronda almost as bad? Same with the Injun chick? Biden need to be charged with Treason but yet all the big news outlets protect him. This is going to end bloody.

  2. This issue might make Joey B. top ten most impeachable acts lists if people would actually see the story reported.

    As it is move along and sniff the hair of the girl nearest you.

  3. The Gov’t-Media(Corporate)-Academia Axis of Evil is a powerful force.
    It must be undone if any semblance of the Republic is to survive.

    It seems that God has loosed all the demons of Hell to put us on the scales – and (thus far) we are found wanting.

    We mustn’t tolerate terrorists, criminals, liars, and traitors – PERIOD.
    Corrupt politics is a symptom of a deeply disturbing cultural disease.
    A healthy society would stamp out corruption, at its first (and every) occurrence.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Why don’t we ever hear about Joe, or Hunter, or James, or Jill, or any of the Biden’s doing something to help others out of the kindness of their heart?

    Did they rehabilitate a broken down skating rink and donate it to the city? Did they deliver semi-loads of water for hurricane relief? Fund a school? Build a hospital? Anything?


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