Not Good House Pets – IOTW Report

Not Good House Pets

@catturd2. FAFO. Leave snakes in the wild. They’re not pets.

30 Comments on Not Good House Pets

  1. WTF! “Do you want me to stop filming to help you?” “Yes please!” So who was bleeding, the snake or the woman? I don’t know which one to feel sorry for. If the snake survived, she kept it.

  2. If those two men weren’t there, the little woman would just be a bulge in the belly of that snake.
    And, we’d have another entry in 2023 Darwin Awards.
    Better luck next time.

  3. ZERO sympathy for people that stupid. Backyard neighbor was on a pro Pitbull rant for years. He always brought up the subject, loved to argue. Then one day his Pit bull disappeared. He no longer defended Pitbulls. No idea what changed his mind. The other neighbors just said “don’t ask.”

  4. When we were catching frogs below the bluff on Hangman Creek (Latah Creek) once my brother also brought home a about a 5-foot bull snake which he tried to keep upstairs in his bedroom. But the snake got away and probably snuck into a cubby hole upstairs and we lost him. My mom probably would’ve killed him if she had known this, she was OK with frogs, praying mantises and the occasional horned toad which my cousin from Nevada would often bring us, but not snakes. Anyway, sometime later we found a flattened bull snake out in the street in front of our house which was probably the same snake. My brother also once had another snake that he had killed all frozen in the freezer wrapped up in Saran wrap which he claims that he was going to eat but my mom found it and made him get rid of it. At times I still wonder how my mom managed to put up with 4 boys and not kill us all for being boys. Hangman Creek got its name back in the late 1800’s when a group of local vigilantes hung some Indians down along it banks in Spokane county. And there’s also a golf course down there originally named Hangman Valley golf course, now called Qualchan after the Indians who were hung there.

  5. If the idiot woman decides to not keep the snake, she will probably turn it loose in the Everglades, just like all the other idiots that have created a biological disaster. I hate narcissists.

  6. That was her blood. You can see it dripping from her at the end.

    You can also see it was making a move for her neck early on. She was seconds away from dying.

    I would have been perfectly happy to cut the snake away. My knife is very sharp and always on me.

    To think some people sleep with their boa in their bed.

    This is a great example of when stupid does hurt.

  7. Time to re-home that “pet” to a zoo (reptile house) or an exotic restaurant (chicken – yum!)
    Then go to a church of your choice and give thanks for the blessing that you’re still alive to give thanks.

  8. If I have ever met a single solitary individual who had a snake as a pet who didn’t have MAJOR emotional/mental/attention seeking/etc issues it is a secret that has well kept form me.

  9. I don’t think they have much experience with constrictors. To unpeel a constrictor, you just start at one end and unwrap. No hook needed. Most people are ultimately stronger than most constrictors. You just need to make sure they don’t get a coil around your neck–that can be lights out within a few seconds (like a sleeper hold).

  10. I feel sorry for the snake. It was hungry. Also it doesn’t like spending its life in a little box. That’s mean.

    That said, snakes might serve a purpose, depending. No one will bother you if there’s a hand-printed sign on the door that says “Do not enter! Snakes got loose.”

  11. When I got out of the Navy 1973 my parents had moved. It was too far a commute so they moved to HHI SC.
    They lived in a big old beach house right on the beach, belonged to a friend of my mothers.
    Her son, who I went to school with, became my lawyer, a judge now.
    One day, about10 years later, got a call from the lawyer, he asked if my brother had had a snake, brother was about 12 when they lived there, weird question but yes, he had. Seems they were tearing down the beach house and found a dwarf boa living in the frame of the old ramshackle house.
    Yes, it was still alive, did I want it.

  12. These monkeys be stupid. Snake isn’t a pet, it’s a prisoner. It doesn’t think this all is cute, it thinks this all needs to stop and it needs to get free and go on about its life. I’m rooting for the snake here, the monkeys here are genuinely a sorry example of our species.

  13. ‘Hello Baby Girl?’

    Must be a transgender snake insulted by misgendering!

    I never understand making a pet of anything that sees you as food. They watch for the slightest window and wham!!! You are Hamased!

  14. PETA types live like they’re in a movie, but sometimes those movie scenes turn into reality.
    Scene plot- naive, clueless woman thinks she’s in tune with deadly “pet” snake. Woman FAFO otherwise when snake bites her hand and quickly wraps itself in a vice grip around her arm…and scene!
    That’s a wrap!

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