Criminal Defense Attorneys for Fulton County 2020 Ballot Review Case Abruptly File Motion to Withdraw Representation For Fulton County Respondents – IOTW Report

Criminal Defense Attorneys for Fulton County 2020 Ballot Review Case Abruptly File Motion to Withdraw Representation For Fulton County Respondents

Yes, there is still a pending lawsuit regarding the 2020 Presidential Election in Fulton County.  Favorito et al v Wan et al was filed back in December 2020 in the Fulton County Superior Court but was abruptly dismissed in October 2021 for issues over standing.  The plaintiffs appealed and eventually had the dismissal overturned after the Georgia Supreme Court ruled on a key case, Henry County Board of Commissioners v Sons of Confederate Veterans, that ensured voters do have standing to bring a case.

In the early stages of the Favorito case, back in May 2021, The Gateway Pundit reported that Respondents in the case had retained Donald Samuel and Amanda Clark, two top criminal defense lawyers, in the civil case that was attempting to review the physical paper ballots in the county.  The pair of attorneys were representing Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections’ Teresa Crawford and Aaron Johnson, the two Democratic Members. MORE

10 Comments on Criminal Defense Attorneys for Fulton County 2020 Ballot Review Case Abruptly File Motion to Withdraw Representation For Fulton County Respondents

  1. “admitted that they did not properly preserve the majority of in-person ballots”
    Should warrant charges and jail time for some county employees, maybe then they could remember where they put them.

  2. Interesting. In possibly related news, which I quote from the Milton Herald, a local rag:

    “The Fulton County Board of Commissioners dropped its plan to remove Bob Cheeley as its appointee on the True North 400 board after legal staff determined the resolution had no legal grounds.”

    Without getting into the nuts and bolts of it, the resolution was a political power play against Cheeley:

    “The resolution also stated the proposed removal came after Cheeley attempted to undermine Fulton County’s elections. Cheeley was one of 19 defendants, including former President Donald Trump, who were indicted by a Fulton County grand jury in August for alleged attempts to overturn 2020 election results.”

    Kudos to Republican state Senator Brandon Beach, who stood up for Cheeley. This retreat by the Fulton County Commission, and resignation by those two defense attorneys, may be signs that at least some wheels are coming off of the Fani Willis railroad train.

  3. Ghost of Burner: “So the defendants are out of money.”

    Either that, or the attorneys have realized that their clients are guilty as fuck, and don’t want to be anywhere near them when the hammer comes down.

  4. They most likely withdrawing from representing for lack of, NON PAYMENT. The fastest way to remove or lose your lawyer is don’t pay him. Crooks?, well all lawyers are crooks & some more than others. This Arizona case has absolutely nothing to do with Fanni Willis case in Georgia.

  5. “This Arizona case has absolutely nothing to do with Fanni Willis case in Georgia.”

    Anonymous, please read the article. It’s not an Arizona case, and it is most definitely related to the Fani Willis show trial, in that both events stem from corrupt Fulton County, GA. Here, I will save you the trouble by quoting the article up at the top:

    “The pair of attorneys were representing Fulton County [Georgia] Board of Registrations and Elections’ Teresa Crawford and Aaron Johnson…”

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