Thomas Massie Takes On the Biden Regime’s “Kill Switch” Mandate for Vehicles – IOTW Report

Thomas Massie Takes On the Biden Regime’s “Kill Switch” Mandate for Vehicles


The devil is always in the details when it comes to legislation that is passed in the Washington, DC Swamp. 

Back in 2021, President Joe Biden signed the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” into law. This bill is over 1,000 pages long and has a labyrinth of provisions that should concern any self-respecting liberty-lover. 

One provision of this law ostensibly dealing with drunk driving has become the center of a major controversy in DC. At first glance, the bill sought to prevent alcohol-related driving fatalities by having “drunk and impaired driving prevention technology” mandated equipment installed in all new vehicles. 

To achieve this, all new automobiles sold after 2026 would be federally mandated to have an automatic “kill switch” installed that would shut the vehicle down if the system detected the driver driving in an erratic manner suggesting that they may be intoxicated. more here

28 Comments on Thomas Massie Takes On the Biden Regime’s “Kill Switch” Mandate for Vehicles

  1. I want my ’67 Plymouth Valiant with the
    slant 6 cyl. motor back. 1 wire to the distributer
    and 1 vacuum hose to advance the timing.Bought it
    from a little old lady for 300.Put 150,000 miles
    on it.Never broke down. Had A/C too! Papers in
    the glove box indicated that the car was bought
    new for $2600. Dam car could probably survive a
    EMP bomb.

  2. This bill is over 1,000 pages long and has a labyrinth of provisions that should concern any self-respecting liberty-lover.

    If it’s more than a paragraph long, Jackass Joe can’t comprehend it! Pedo Pete had no clue of what he was signing. The Dummy does what he’s told!

  3. Yeah, Radio, and you could get at EVERYTHING in the engine compartment and save a ton of money repairing it yourself. I miss those days. Now you’ve got to solve a Rubic’s Cube just to get at the systems; plus special tools.

  4. Look, I’m all for preventing drunk driving. In fact, if you want to have a mandatory death penalty for every drunk driver I fully support it. But, what’s going to happen is that you’ll get in your car and your car will say, “I’m sorry, but yesterday you implied that Michelle Obama was not the most beautiful woman who ever lived. And for that reason, you may not use your car today.”

  5. Billy TwoKnives
    SATURDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2023, 8:57 AT 8:57 AM
    “I believe this country is in desperate need of a kill switch for the Federal Government.”

    We have one.

    It’s my Second Amendment.

  6. So instead of a digital ID like Europe we get monitored and tracked using our vehicles instead.
    No thanks.
    If this goes into effect the used car market is going to go crazy.

  7. A kill switch sounds dangerous. If one is traveling on busy freeway at 70 miles an hour and the vehicle is switched off, the driver may have to navigate lane changes in a vehicle with no power or stall on the freeway. I had that happen once (timing belt issue), and it’s no fun.

    This isn’t a safety issue; it’s a control issue.

  8. Riiiight, only if someone is intoxicated. Just like a few people who were locked out of their smart homes, for remarks that were deemed racist, I can see inoperable cars on every street corner due to anything that is racist and/or anti-government (only if slanted towards libtards, as conservative haters will get a free pass, 24/7).

  9. So who is liable for any injuries and damages that occur the moment the vehicle algorithm asserts authority? Are steering acceleration, and braking inputs mere controllers at that point with no mechanical linkage or does the driver have the ability to wrestle with them? Is this recorded, who can access it, and under what circumstances? Does the car try to pull over, or is it simply disabled abruptly in the middle of a busy freeway? Is it disabled if you’re trying to run from an Antifa/BLM mob and maybe stereo a bit in the process? Is it disabled if you swere to avoid a deer, a dog, or a boy chasing a ball? Does it disable in such a way you now can’t AVOID hitting a deer, a dog, a boy chasing a ball? Does it lock you in and hold you for “authorities”?

    I work with autonomous equipment. Its not perfect, that’s why I work with it. Sensors can be fooled by a drop of dried water, a shaft of sunlight, a wrinkle in a surface, a condition for which they don’t have a program. If you’re going to take authority from an operator, you’d better be damn sure all your sensors work and you have enough redundancy and have anticipated enough conditions to be sure you’re not CREATING a hazard.

    If you keep the mechanical linkage you may get unanticipated inputs from the driver. If you assert enough authority over it you may injure the driver, who may have valid reasons for steering erratically. If you steer by wire you’ve now created a failure point that makes the car uncontrollable if the electrical system fails. If the car simply shuts down in the middle of a highway other drivers are likely to hit it or each other while swerving to avoid it.

    And you may not always be able to detect the side of the road or control across that black ice next to the bridge if your algorithm tries to pull the car over.

    …setting aside the massive infringements on liberty and government once more usurping authority where it has no enumerated right to do su, just from a practical standpoint what they propose is likely to create more problems than it addresses, injure more innocent people than it helps, and force people into poverty as they can’t pay their bis due to their injuries as lawyers spend years hashing over the liabilities, resulting in settlements that are lost to legal fees.

    As with everything with its origins in the overweening nanny state, no good will come of it.

    Only unwarranted, unconstitutional control.

  10. We live in a mountainous rural area where it is snowy and icy in the winter. So….if my car starts to skid a bit when I’m on my way to the grocery store….my car can be suddenly switched off….stranding me in the snow??? To freeze to death.

    Great plan.

  11. SNS: Last year I drive a rented Toyota Camry that had some kind of collision-avoidance feature. Every time I tried to take an off-ramp from the freeway, the steering got very heavy, like the car was fighting me, trying to keep it in the freeway lane. I hate this crap that is aimed at the lowest common denominator of our society.

  12. Guess no driving for me. Not cause I’m a drunk but because I enjoy spirited driving that surely any system would consider erratic. Ford already has an app on the market for almost 10 years already that tracks such things and makes recommendations. It tells you if you accelerate too hard, corner too fast, stop too fast, etc. A few times I tried to make it happy by getting a perfect driving score. It was impossible, even driving in the lamest slowest gayest possible way.

    If this technology is implemented it will make driving for everyone lame and gay. Leftists hate it when someone is better at something, like driving, then they are and are happy to have controls in place to restrict skill level to the bottom rung.

  13. Tony R
    SATURDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2023, 10:02 AT 10:02

    On a business trip a couple years ago, my cheapass company rented a little Chevrolet roller skate for the three of us, don’t recall exactly what. I wasn’t driving it, one of our engineers was, and at one point while we were crossing the Causeway he committed the unforgivable sin of trying to change lanes in no traffic without using the turn signal. This thing about broke his fingers as it yanked the steering wheel over HARD, which flopped all three if us around in those tiny confines as no one including the driver was expecting it.

    After some cursing, he found the button and turned it off for the rest of the trip.

    This was just jarring, but there are situations it would have been dangerous. Cars are not airplanes and have less margin of error, especially on packed highways, and having them do unexpected things based on an arbitrary algorithm and possibly fouled sensors with more authority than the diver has is very likely to injure people in more than one car and make teams of liability lawyers set for life.

  14. If Massie kills the Kill Switch, they’ll just stick it into a Ukraine appropriations bill. And add an “Accelerate Uncontrollably Switch” because the IC gets tired of having to install those only when needed.


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