Child psychiatrist sentenced to 40 years for… – IOTW Report

Child psychiatrist sentenced to 40 years for…

[So Gross.]

18 Comments on Child psychiatrist sentenced to 40 years for…

  1. Just think of all the pediatricians, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc. that have prescribed fertility-destroying hormones, have promoted child mental illness conditions, and have engaged in genital mutilations for the benefit of their own egos, the trans “agenda,” and whatever else has driven their savagery. ALL are crimes against children of the most heinous kind.

  2. 1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

    2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

    Luke 17:1-2

  3. There is no mental health system.

    All the shrinks are insane and try to make their patients match their own warped imaginings.

    When you get you sanity by stud, the child looks a lot like the father.

    And this despicable pedophile is what the father is.

    This vermin likely took up child psychiatry with the intention of leveraging the access to children and the walls of ‘privacy’ that both the pedophile government and the pedophile psychiatric profession has diligently built between child and parent in order to indulge his sick fantasies.

    There is no cure for such a one but death.

    For him and all who enable him.

    …it would be praying amiss to pray for this, but it would certainly suggest divine justice is in play if we were to find this person were raped to death in prison.


    Sometimes evil needs be answered with evil.

    This is one of those times.

    …folks say it isn’t a deterrent, and in a broader sense that may be true.

    But it sure as HELL would deter this PARTICULAR pedophile.

    No more recidivism from HIM.

  4. The Medical profession is now an extension of the Federal Government. Which apparently is an extension of Big Pharma. Who’s running our country.
    I’ve never met any one in the mental health field that didn’t need a lot of mental help.

  5. Psychology and it’s bastard child, psychiatry are pseudo-sciences about where astronomy was before the invention of the telescope, a lot of measurements, data gathered, conflicting theories and basic misunderstandings.

  6. 40 years in prison followed by 30 years of supervised release

    David Tatum, 41, of Charlotte, will also be forced to pay around

    Looks like he’ll be 81 yo when he gets to see the outside world, then when he’s 121 he’s out of the woods. Enjoy the soap on a rope with Jamal.


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