Pope Francis Ousts Conservative Texas Bishop Who Criticized Him – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Ousts Conservative Texas Bishop Who Criticized Him

Breitbart: Pope Francis has taken the unusual step of removing the bishop of Tyler, Texas, a known conservative who has been critical of the pope.

According to Vatican News, the pontiff’s decision to remove 65-year-old Bishop Joseph E. Strickland from the pastoral governance of the diocese of Tyler came after an “exhaustive” apostolic visitation of the diocese by two retired U.S. bishops who determined that “the continuation in office of Bishop Strickland was not feasible.”

Italy’s state-owned RAI News reported that the investigation into the bishop’s governance was launched as a response to “his traditional positions, irreconcilable with the new course started by Pope Francis.”

As examples, RAI noted that Bishop Strickland is “a vigorous defender of the Catholic Church’s doctrinal and dogmatic positions on marriage, human life, and religious freedom.”

Among Strickland’s critical positions, was opposition to the pope’s “innovations in matters of marriage, the Eucharist, and sexuality,” RAI reported.

The conservative Catholic site Silere non possum (I cannot be silent) asserted that Bishop Strickland’s ouster was “the price he paid for telling the truth,” and for his support of the traditional Latin Mass. more here

10 Comments on Pope Francis Ousts Conservative Texas Bishop Who Criticized Him

  1. Phuck Red Franciss. I’m Catholic and don’t at all approve of that pricks Liberation Theology and his sqwuishiness toward the cancer known as Islam. That bastard surrenders faster than Frenchmen. Most Catholics hate him, as well.

  2. That commie POS is NOT a Catholic…he’s a fuckin’ muzzie lovin commie scum bag! He was “installed” just like O’Fuckingbamam by the new world order!

    He did to the Catholic Church what obama did to the United States!

  3. Clergy take vows of obedience, not of complicity. A lifetime commitment to the church can be like a bad marriage: Sure there were vows but at some point you have to recognize that your spouse is unfaithful, making a fool of you and is a bad influence on the children.

    I admire Bp Strickland and hope he inspires some of his fellow priests and bishops.

    Text of a recent speech he gave, here:

  4. “Pope” Francis the Talking Ass worships Satan – and no other.

    God raised him to the papacy as a scourge and a chastisement for the Holy Church’s apostasy. Liberation Theology has been around since the 60s (I think) and the Church veered away from God, Jesus and His Apostles some decades ago.

    He punishes anyone who has the temerity to speak truth.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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